Justices rule for student in ‘cursing cheerleader’ case


Verified User
Five conservative justices voted with the three liberals in this decision.

I know it's a chore, but please start reading the thread in reverse, start at the latest post and work backwards toward the OP.

That way you will better understand how far the idea has come in such a short span of time.

The SCOTUS only adjudicated the legality of the case.

And the legality of the girl's actions only help justify to many, the decay of our morality.

The SCOTUS decision only keeps us on the same course headed for the abyss at 100mph.

Something needs to change.

That is where the thread is now.

Choosing the moral principles we all can agree on that might make ALL of our lives more pleasant and safe and won't destroy us all and rob us all of any or all of our freedoms.