justification for Lady T on her southern race relations post

Merry Christmas baby...

NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana (CNN) -- New Orleans police lined up "like at a firing range" and fatally shot an unarmed man in the back as he fled from them in the days after Hurricane Katrina swept ashore, a witness to the shooting told CNN.

It marks the first time a witness has come forward publicly with information about the shooting of Ronald Madison, a 40-year-old mentally retarded man whose death has sparked a police investigation and a grand jury probe into what happened in and around the Danziger Bridge that day.

The southern police shot a retarded man.... ...

this kind of thing wouldn't ever happen anywhere in the northeast.
this kind of thing wouldn't ever happen anywhere in the northeast.

Actually word on the street is that's what happened in the Bronx last week. I don't know if the cops were racially motivated though. But from what I've heard they are pretty corrupt in NYC. And this is yet another example the problem with people in law enforcement. Its almost like you need a bigger police force to police the police.
Merry Christmas baby...

NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana (CNN) -- New Orleans police lined up "like at a firing range" and fatally shot an unarmed man in the back as he fled from them in the days after Hurricane Katrina swept ashore, a witness to the shooting told CNN.

It marks the first time a witness has come forward publicly with information about the shooting of Ronald Madison, a 40-year-old mentally retarded man whose death has sparked a police investigation and a grand jury probe into what happened in and around the Danziger Bridge that day.

The southern police shot a retarded man.... ...

this kind of thing wouldn't ever happen anywhere in the northeast.

this kind of thing wouldn't ever happen anywhere in the northeast.


How about that black dude NYC cops sodomized with a night stick? Or that unarmed dude they pumped 41 bullets into?
Actually word on the street is that's what happened in the Bronx last week. I don't know if the cops were racially motivated though. But from what I've heard they are pretty corrupt in NYC. And this is yet another example the problem with people in law enforcement. Its almost like you need a bigger police force to police the police.

In the NY shooting there were two black cops, two hispanic cops and a white cop. The racial motivation comes in where?

I haven't heard anything on the NO shooting. Was it retard motivated? The NOPD are notorious for corruption, even more than the NYPD. But corruption usually has nothing to do with shootings. Neither does race. Its the actions of the suspect that motivates shootings.
In the NY shooting there were two black cops, two hispanic cops and a white cop. The racial motivation comes in where?

I haven't heard anything on the NO shooting. Was it retard motivated? The NOPD are notorious for corruption, even more than the NYPD. But corruption usually has nothing to do with shootings. Neither does race. Its the actions of the suspect that motivates shootings.

Are you implying that I've said the NYC shooting was racially motivated? If you are, I'd like to make it clear that I said

I don't know if the cops were racially motivated though

Also, I agree 110% about hte NO police department corruption. A friend of mine got arrested there for literally tripping over a door step. Apparently they had a racket where if they locked up more people they got more $$$ from the state.
Are you implying that I've said the NYC shooting was racially motivated? If you are, I'd like to make it clear that I said

Also, I agree 110% about hte NO police department corruption. A friend of mine got arrested there for literally tripping over a door step. Apparently they had a racket where if they locked up more people they got more $$$ from the state.

I did not imply anything. I asked where the racial motive came in as the cops were 2 black, 2 hispanic and one white guy. The cops thought there was a gun in the car and the driver tried to run them down twice. That's from what little I read and heard on the story. Sounds like the cops over reacted to the situation but its not a racial thing. Like I said police shootings are the results of the actions of the suspect. Especially aggresive actions.
I did not imply anything. I asked where the racial motive came in as the cops were 2 black, 2 hispanic and one white guy. The cops thought there was a gun in the car and the driver tried to run them down twice. That's from what little I read and heard on the story. Sounds like the cops over reacted to the situation but its not a racial thing. Like I said police shootings are the results of the actions of the suspect. Especially aggresive actions.


Well, I'm not sure what story you're talking about. I thought you were referring to this one.


Because clearly you wouldn't have said this:

Like I said police shootings are the results of the actions of the suspect.

When clearly the victim that died did nothing to prompt such a horrible death.