Justified Assault?


Watermark and Topspin were driving home one very cold night when Topspin asks Watermark to stop the car.
There was a baby skunk lying at the side of the road, and Topspin got out to see if it was still alive.

It was, and Topspin said to her Watermark, "Its nearly frozen to death. Can we take it with us, get it warm, and let it go in the morning?"

Watermark says, "O. K., Get in the car with it."

Topspin then asks "Where shall I put it to get it warm?"

Watermark says, "Put it in between your legs. It's nice and warm there."

Topspin looks at him and asks "But what about the smell?"

Watermark replies "Just hold its little nose."

Watermark is expected to recover; but the skunk Topspin used to beat him with, died at the scene.
there's a story about a fat lady named usfreedom. She came over from AOL after losing her man to a much skinner liber lady poster (prob a vegan).
this slutty bitch is on here daily spouting stuff her bf used to say in between beating he laid down on her. Funny thing is she's pissed the guy left her.
tell us the part where Watermark put a gerbil up Topstool's ass

Just because you were outed on the Rachael Maddow show, Mr 5'11 170. You looked more like 175 but still skinny as shit.
Just because you claim to have swichted teams and only have had a few more congigal visits with fellow KKK members doesn't mean straight people have to believe you.

And if your wife is slutting around who could blame her, your a skinny fuck who's afraid to get a blow job.
Just cause your 5'11 170 doesn't mean woman will laugh at your junk.
Topstool sodomizes his wife and is afraid to tell us his height and weight. These are facts, and they are undeniable. :)
Topstool sodomizes his wife and is afraid to tell us his height and weight. These are facts, and they are undeniable. :)

What's wrong with all that? Some people don't like to discuss their height, weight, and their age for that matter. Some people don't like to discuss their income (obvious not Top...) or job.
Southernman's wife is in a bar where a guy is wrastlin' aligators. He fights the gator for about 20 minutes, subdues it, and then puts a stick in its mouth to hold it open. Pulls out his dick and puts it in the gator's mouth. Looks out into the audience and then smacks the stick so that the gator's jaws come slamming down, at which point he pulls his dick out and the last second. He then looks at the audience again and says, "Is there anyone in the audience brave enough to do that?" SM's wife jumps up and says "I will! But you are going to have to get a smaller stick!"
Southernman's wife is in a bar where a guy is wrastlin' aligators. He fights the gator for about 20 minutes, subdues it, and then puts a stick in its mouth to hold it open. Pulls out his dick and puts it in the gator's mouth. Looks out into the audience and then smacks the stick so that the gator's jaws come slamming down, at which point he pulls his dick out and the last second. He then looks at the audience again and says, "Is there anyone in the audience brave enough to do that?" SM's wife jumps up and says "I will! But you are going to have to get a smaller stick!"

You're a newlywed. Quit obsessing about men's penises, already!
