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There is absolutely compelling evidence that Justine Trudeau is Fidel Castro's biological son (SERIOUSLY).

Justine's father, Pierre E. Trudeau was also former Prime Minister of Canada, who served two terms, the first from 1968 to 1979, and a second term from 1980 to 1984.

Unfortunately, Pierre was a batshit-crazy communist who spent years studying Marx and Lenin at Harvard, and went on to personally met up his idols in the form of tyrants like Mao-Zedong and other murderous communist elites in Vietnam, Korea and Moscow. He was also a great buddy of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro. Pierre Trudeau was a statist who hated America; he was fiercely anti-nationalist, he promoted the growth of multiculturalism in Canada and radically transformed the country's immigration system in order to flood the nation with Asians (Chinese, Phillipinos, Indians, Pakistanis and such like. He dabbled in communist Command economics theory and a number of other leftist approaches to managing the economy (like quasi-Keynesianism) and quickly managed to seriously fuck up the healthy Canadian economy he inherited in 1968. He was a proto-globalist in the modern sense of the term. He was also an oversexed, promiscuous pervert, who was once discovered "carrying on" with three nubile young women, all half his age) in a downstairs room during a formal state function. A year after he was first installed as Prime Minter, Pierre was embroiled in a steamy sexual affair with Hollywood Star Barbara Streisand who was/is still an nitwit and "A"-grade leftist nut-job) throughout 1969 and 1970.

To cut to the chase... in 1971 Trudeau, at the age of 52 married a young woman named Margaret Sinclair who was 29 years younger. Margaret was a sex-crazed swinger who was rampantly promiscuous. Her histrionic sexuality is usually attributed to the fact that she was afflicted with manic-depression, or what is called bipolar disorder today. Bipolar can cause extreme emotional lability and sometimes episodes of psychosis. She also smuggled drugs in the Prime Minister's official luggage and would sneak out of official functions and find a place to get high. Mixing illicit psychoactive drug with an existing mental disorder like bipolar is not a very smart thing to do wrt cultivating competent self-control. This might explain why she raised eye-brows by partying at studio 54 in the most scanty of outfits. Anyway, Margaret was a swinger, she was into kinky sex (orgies, etc.), and she did a lot of screwing around while she was married (including fucking Ronny Woods from the "Rolling Stones").

In 1971 Margaret, and Pierre went on vacation and dropped into Cuba to visit Pierre's buddy Fidel Castro. Fidel was yet another hypersexual individual who had to have sex at least two times a day. His maids were instructed to procure random, attractive girls off the street for him and take them to his bedroom, where they were promptly ravaged and then dismissed. When Margaret and Pierre were socializing with Castro, Margaret was seen to be flirting with the dictator. Pierre left the couple along saying he had something he wanted to check-out nearby on the island, and, well, one thing led to anther and Castro gave Margaret a "seeing "too" The result was baby Justine Trudeau.

If you think this claim is pure, "tinfoil" conspiracy, and that Dachshund is talking nonsense, I can prove that I am not. That is, I can demonstrate beyond any REASONABLE doubt that Justine Trudeau's biological father was Fidel Castro. If you don't believe this - TRY ME !.



DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !
I have heard that theory before, on the face of it seems incredible but I won't dismiss it out of hand.

By the way why do you leave such big gaps between paragraphs?
Well Tom's grandfather was lord haw haw, fact!!!

There is absolutely compelling evidence that Justine Trudeau is Fidel Castro's biological son (SERIOUSLY).

Justine's father, Pierre E. Trudeau was also former Prime Minister of Canada, who served two terms, the first from 1968 to 1979, and a second term from 1980 to 1984.

Unfortunately, Pierre was a batshit-crazy communist who spent years studying Marx and Lenin at Harvard, and went on to personally met up his idols in the form of tyrants like Mao-Zedong and other murderous communist elites in Vietnam, Korea and Moscow. He was also a great buddy of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro. Pierre Trudeau was a statist who hated America; he was fiercely anti-nationalist, he promoted the growth of multiculturalism in Canada and radically transformed the country's immigration system in order to flood the nation with Asians (Chinese, Phillipinos, Indians, Pakistanis and such like. He dabbled in communist Command economics theory and a number of other leftist approaches to managing the economy (like quasi-Keynesianism) and quickly managed to seriously fuck up the healthy Canadian economy he inherited in 1968. He was a proto-globalist in the modern sense of the term. He was also an oversexed, promiscuous pervert, who was once discovered "carrying on" with three nubile young women, all half his age) in a downstairs room during a formal state function. A year after he was first installed as Prime Minter, Pierre was embroiled in a steamy sexual affair with Hollywood Star Barbara Streisand who was/is still an nitwit and "A"-grade leftist nut-job) throughout 1969 and 1970.

To cut to the chase... in 1971 Trudeau, at the age of 52 married a young woman named Margaret Sinclair who was 29 years younger. Margaret was a sex-crazed swinger who was rampantly promiscuous. Her histrionic sexuality is usually attributed to the fact that she was afflicted with manic-depression, or what is called bipolar disorder today. Bipolar can cause extreme emotional lability and sometimes episodes of psychosis. She also smuggled drugs in the Prime Minister's official luggage and would sneak out of official functions and find a place to get high. Mixing illicit psychoactive drug with an existing mental disorder like bipolar is not a very smart thing to do wrt cultivating competent self-control. This might explain why she raised eye-brows by partying at studio 54 in the most scanty of outfits. Anyway, Margaret was a swinger, she was into kinky sex (orgies, etc.), and she did a lot of screwing around while she was married (including fucking Ronny Woods from the "Rolling Stones").

In 1971 Margaret, and Pierre went on vacation and dropped into Cuba to visit Pierre's buddy Fidel Castro. Fidel was yet another hypersexual individual who had to have sex at least two times a day. His maids were instructed to procure random, attractive girls off the street for him and take them to his bedroom, where they were promptly ravaged and then dismissed. When Margaret and Pierre were socializing with Castro, Margaret was seen to be flirting with the dictator. Pierre left the couple along saying he had something he wanted to check-out nearby on the island, and, well, one thing led to anther and Castro gave Margaret a "seeing "too" The result was baby Justine Trudeau.

If you think this claim is pure, "tinfoil" conspiracy, and that Dachshund is talking nonsense, I can prove that I am not. That is, I can demonstrate beyond any REASONABLE doubt that Justine Trudeau's biological father was Fidel Castro. If you don't believe this - TRY ME !.



DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !

Well, it must be true if it is in the Covid19 Reporter.

After all, they broke other top stories such as:

"India, Brazil, and Japan Research Proves Ivermectin an Effective Anti-Viral Agent Against Covid 19"
"Vaccinated Athletes Dying of Heart Attacks"
"Lawyers Prepare for Nuremburg 2.0 Trials for Covid Perpetrators and Profiteers"
"Government Data Shows Covid-19 Vaccines Have a Negative Effectiveness of MINUS 425% in Canada
"60% of Hospitalization Numbers Were False Admits Chief Medical Officer, They Lied"
"Pfizer Vaxx Killed More than 1200 People Within 90 Days FDA Data Shows"
Well, it must be true if it is in the Covid19 Reporter.

After all, they broke other top stories such as:

"India, Brazil, and Japan Research Proves Ivermectin an Effective Anti-Viral Agent Against Covid 19"
"Vaccinated Athletes Dying of Heart Attacks"
"Lawyers Prepare for Nuremburg 2.0 Trials for Covid Perpetrators and Profiteers"
"Government Data Shows Covid-19 Vaccines Have a Negative Effectiveness of MINUS 425% in Canada
"60% of Hospitalization Numbers Were False Admits Chief Medical Officer, They Lied"
"Pfizer Vaxx Killed More than 1200 People Within 90 Days FDA Data Shows"

The jury is still out on Ivermectin, Oxford University is running a huge trial at the moment and it's one of the candidates.

Justin Trudeau's mother REALLY got around.
She once hung out with the Rolling Stones.

Justin could be almost ANYONE's son.
Justin Trudeau's mother REALLY got around.
She once hung out with the Rolling Stones.

Justin could be almost ANYONE's son.

She didn't get around like trump has, but she did date several people after her divorce... Which puts it all more than a decade after Trudeau was born. See how that works? Dating Ronnie Wood of the Rolling Stones in the mid-1980's does not make him Trudeau's father in 1971.
So, then tells us is he then related to Ted Cruz seeing his father was instrumental in bringing Fidel to power, well, least according to Donnie