K street lobbyists getting frantic


Will work for Scooby snacks
On the heels of taking Fast Track trade authority away from Bush, a major victory today for the progressive movement and millions of people represented by consumer protection, environmental, agricultural, small business, labor organizations and the courageous Members of Congress fighting the good fight: The Secret Trade Deal of 2007 has been officially delayed. Though the dealmakers are publicly claiming the deal was put off because of Peru and Panama's domestic laws, it's clear (not just from the late Friday press release) that K Street and their cronies in Congress are too afraid to bring the deals to the floor, for fear they will be defeated by a growing populist backlash in Congress. Here's the scoop, fresh off the wire from Bloomberg News:

"Democratic leaders in Congress put off a vote on trade agreements with Peru and Panama until those countries revamp their laws to comply with new labor and environment standards in the accords. The demand is a blow to the Bush administration, which pressed the Democratic majority in Congress to have the Peru agreement approved next month...Two other agreements, with South Korea and Colombia, face further hurdles before Congress will consider them, the Democrats said. Even though Pelosi and Rangel worked out an agreement with the administration last month to revamp the four pending free-trade agreements, they aren't assured passage in Congress. Many Democrats say they won't support those or any other agreements reached by the Bush administration. 'We need to play defense against all these agreements,' Senator Sherrod Brown, an Ohio Democrat, said yesterday."

Sherrod Brown is awesome. But, of course the pressure needs to be kept on the DLC Dems in congress, to ensure that phony "free" trade deals aren't passed, until enforceable standards are promulgated.

On the heels of taking Fast Track trade authority away from Bush, a major victory today for the progressive movement and millions of people represented by consumer protection, environmental, agricultural, small business, labor organizations and the courageous Members of Congress fighting the good fight: The Secret Trade Deal of 2007 has been officially delayed. Though the dealmakers are publicly claiming the deal was put off because of Peru and Panama's domestic laws, it's clear (not just from the late Friday press release) that K Street and their cronies in Congress are too afraid to bring the deals to the floor, for fear they will be defeated by a growing populist backlash in Congress. Here's the scoop, fresh off the wire from Bloomberg News:

Sherrod Brown is awesome. But, of course the pressure needs to be kept on the DLC Dems in congress, to ensure that phony "free" trade deals aren't passed, until enforceable standards are promulgated.


This is a really good start though.

Ever notice how the MSM never reports on this stuff?

My guess, is that Viacom, General Electric, and the other corporate owners of the media, don't want to inform americans about these lousy trade deals, and the impacts to american unions and workers. I'm quite sure its in General Electric's interest to get these phony trade deals passed under the radar.

But remember, for every Sherrod Brown, Barbara Boxer, or Bernie Sanders, there's a Joe Biden or a Hillary Clinton. Have to keep the pressure on......