APP - Kakistocracy


Americans admire accomplishment, they admire success in business, in sports, in life, so then how can they admire our commander in chief. What twist of reality has made obvious incompetence praiseworthy? An actor on 'the Beat' with Ari Melber noted how reality TV changed America and especially the image of Donald Trump. Trump failed in all the businesses he started and yet the TV image must have hypnotized an audience that thought image was reality, or the play was real. And so we see Executive Order after Executive Order for Dunning-Kruger so consumes Trump he must show he is doing something. And finally who can explain why foreign nations support Trump Kushner Inc?

Defined, kakistocracy - government by the least suitable or competent citizens of a state.

"As political actors, the couple are living exemplars of the Dunning-Kruger effect, a psychological phenomenon which leads incompetent people to overestimate their ability because they can’t grasp how much they don’t know."

"Privilege, in them, has been raised to the level of near sociopathy."

"The perception Trump has managed to create around himself is vastly at odds with the cold realities of his track record. After a few early high-profile real estate wins that were largely funded by his family fortune, Trump’s business flops significantly outnumbered his successes. Trump Steak. Trump Airlines. Trump Vodka. Trump Mortgage. Trump Magazine. Trump University. All were debacles—characterized by disappointed customers, stiffed vendors, and confusion on the part of virtually everyone involved."

"Some things should be hated, but I’m not sure that any people should be, not even Donald Trump. The Buddha said, ‘Hate is never appeased by hatred, but only by non-hatred. This is an eternal truth.’ To me, Trump seems more pitiable than hateworthy." Les Green
I'm kinda curious why there are no replies to the OP? Does everyone agree or is a counter argument useless or maybe impossible? Our government is slowly being governed by men and women who are of such low quality, a senate confirmation seems a distant hope. Immigration is just a recent example. Trump made the border a issue of great importance and yet he is failing in that simple goal. His 'wonderful healthcare' is now a 2020 promise. All his rally promises seem distant empty talk and his hiring of all the best people, like so much of his talk was meaningless braggadocio. Coal isn't coming back and cheap medical drugs must too be on some distant horizon. The pied piper lives it seems.
I have to give Fox's Shepard Smith kudos, is there hope that Fox stops the Trump worship and actually broadcasts real news? Jeez, we can only hope.

Immigration Trump

"The corporate grip on opinion in the United States is one of the wonders of the Western world. No First World country has ever managed to eliminate so entirely from its media all objectivity - much less dissent." Gore Vidal
Hello midcan5,

I have to give Fox's Shepard Smith kudos, is there hope that Fox stops the Trump worship and actually broadcasts real news? Jeez, we can only hope.

Immigration Trump

"The corporate grip on opinion in the United States is one of the wonders of the Western world. No First World country has ever managed to eliminate so entirely from its media all objectivity - much less dissent." Gore Vidal

:lolup: Yeah, right.
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Hello midcan5,

I'm kinda curious why there are no replies to the OP? Does everyone agree or is a counter argument useless or maybe impossible? Our government is slowly being governed by men and women who are of such low quality, a senate confirmation seems a distant hope. Immigration is just a recent example. Trump made the border a issue of great importance and yet he is failing in that simple goal. His 'wonderful healthcare' is now a 2020 promise. All his rally promises seem distant empty talk and his hiring of all the best people, like so much of his talk was meaningless braggadocio. Coal isn't coming back and cheap medical drugs must too be on some distant horizon. The pied piper lives it seems.

I'm not surprised.

Oh, I can take a wild guess at the reason for the lack of replies.

First of all, the thread is in the APP forum. That's a crowd-buzz-kill right there. The way APP is set up, with special permission required to simply post in the first place, and then the iron fist rule policy with no second chances, scares the JPP masses off.

In the ideal situation, the main Forum should be the one with the stringent rules, and the sub-forum would be the one where the trolls are relegated to.

But then the flip side of that is what would happen in that scenario.

First of all, the main forum would require stringent moderation. Somebody would need to do a lot of work to enforce the no-personal-attacks rule. Who has the time? Either somebody would have to volunteer for that (not me,) or be paid to do it. It's work.

Since forcing people to pay for a good chat board is a crowd-killer, that ain't happening.

The problem with having the well-moderated forum as a sub-forum of the anything-goes forum, is too few people find out about it. They come, they check out the site, they see how rough it is, and they leave. If they sign up, they are immediately attacked. Most who sign up don't last long. Those who do are often willing to accept the trolling because that's what they want to do themselves.

It leaves me to wonder if the other way 'round would be better.

That way, when newbies check out the site, they might not be run off so quickly if they want polite chat, and if they want impolite chat, that is also available. People could start out in the main forum, and if they begin attacking other people instead of their arguments, they would be banished from the main forum and then take up residence in the trashy trolling forum. I think this would result in more participation in the civil discourse forum.

If I didn't have such a full life outside of political chat, I might be inclined to set that up myself. But I love my life too much for that. I only come here and participate when I feel like it. So I have found my own way to have respectful chat by using strong filters in the main forum.
Hello midcan5,

I'm glad you are here in the forum. It is minds like yours that draw me here.

Americans admire accomplishment, they admire success in business, in sports, in life, so then how can they admire our commander in chief. What twist of reality has made obvious incompetence praiseworthy? An actor on 'the Beat' with Ari Melber noted how reality TV changed America and especially the image of Donald Trump. Trump failed in all the businesses he started and yet the TV image must have hypnotized an audience that thought image was reality, or the play was real. And so we see Executive Order after Executive Order for Dunning-Kruger so consumes Trump he must show he is doing something. And finally who can explain why foreign nations support Trump Kushner Inc?

Defined, kakistocracy - government by the least suitable or competent citizens of a state.

"As political actors, the couple are living exemplars of the Dunning-Kruger effect, a psychological phenomenon which leads incompetent people to overestimate their ability because they can’t grasp how much they don’t know."

"Privilege, in them, has been raised to the level of near sociopathy."

"The perception Trump has managed to create around himself is vastly at odds with the cold realities of his track record. After a few early high-profile real estate wins that were largely funded by his family fortune, Trump’s business flops significantly outnumbered his successes. Trump Steak. Trump Airlines. Trump Vodka. Trump Mortgage. Trump Magazine. Trump University. All were debacles—characterized by disappointed customers, stiffed vendors, and confusion on the part of virtually everyone involved."

"Some things should be hated, but I’m not sure that any people should be, not even Donald Trump. The Buddha said, ‘Hate is never appeased by hatred, but only by non-hatred. This is an eternal truth.’ To me, Trump seems more pitiable than hateworthy." Les Green

This is great.

Thanks for posting this. I never heard of the word. I like learning new things.

And it is so true.

Why are we drawn to such mediocrity?

Is goodness that boring?

President Carter was a really good President, held our best interests at heart. He never lied to us, only wanted to serve. He sold all his assets upon taking office so as to not appear to be in the position of having his motivations challenged. He wanted what was best for the USA. We had tough decisions to make and he guided us through a difficult time. His message of conservation and caring was rejected. It was the right message, but it was not what the shallow uneducated masses wanted to hear. My, what a difference between him and Trump.

Jimmy Carter remains a good man. Well-respected.

Donald Trump is a scoundrel. Well-rejected.