Kamala Harris dodges question about slavery reparations at black journalists’ conference: ‘These are facts that have impact’

Truth Detector

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Anyone voting for this airhead word salad bloviator is putting this nation at great risk.

It’s scary someone this dumb is that close to the Presidency.

“Would you as president take different actions to create this commission, or do you believe it should happen in Congress?” Daniels asked the vice president

“We need to speak truth about the generational impact of our history, in terms of the generational impact of slavery, the generational impact of redlining, of Jim Crow laws.” Harris said.

“I could go on and on and on,” she added. “These are facts that have impact, and we need to speak truth about it. And we need to speak truth about it in a way that’s about deriving solutions.”

Does anyone have the slightest clue what this word salad dunce is saying?

More stupid:

“I think Congress ultimately will have the ability to do this work,” Harris told Daniels. “I’m not discounting the importance of any executive action, but ultimately Congress because if you’re going to talk about it in any substantial way, there will be hearings, there will be a level of public education and dialogue.”

“And I think that is part of the spirit behind the congressional action thus far,”