Kamala Harris is a descendant of an Irish slave owner in Jamaica


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Presumptive Democratic nominee and US vice-president Kamala Harris has Irish roots but not in a way that she is likely to embrace.

Ms Harris is the daughter of Donald J Harris, who was born in Jamaica, and Shyamala Gopalan Harris from India.

Genealogical research carried out by Northern Irish historian Stephen McCracken reveals Ms Harris’s four-times-paternal-great-grandfather Hamilton Brown was born in Co Antrim in 1776, the year of the US Declaration of Independence.

Brown emigrated to Jamaica, then a British colony, and became an enthusiastic slave owner on the sugar plantations that were the mainstay of the island’s economy. He opposed the abolition of slavery across the British Empire in 1832 and went to Antrim to replace his slaves with workers from his native county.

Anyone American who is a descendant of slave owners is not black
Smut me, baby
Making her what...12% black?

Has anyone done the calculation?
Yes I have with specificity to each generation gap since inception of this species. Every great great grandchild born each rotation of the planet replaces the 30 previous chromosome donors that were their specific previous 4 generations gaps existed conceived to dead daily never same total sum twice each rotation life evolvings as naturally timed apart when alive daily here.

each child is 50% of 2 parents, 25% percent of 4 grandparents, 12.5% their 8 great grandparents, 6.35% their 16 great great grandparents.

Every lifetime gets 23 strands of DNA but the combined chromosomes keeps each reproduction eternally separated daily this rotation like every previous one to date.

this is how each ancestor is 100% uniquely alive conceived to decomposed in each ancestral lineage arrived since inception of the 23 strands of DNA combined as dominate 93.75% genes and 6.25% recessive genes going back to origin of ancestral lineage throughout history of humans ignoring how evolving actually works daily.
Presumptive Democratic nominee and US vice-president Kamala Harris has Irish roots but not in a way that she is likely to embrace.

Ms Harris is the daughter of Donald J Harris, who was born in Jamaica, and Shyamala Gopalan Harris from India.

Genealogical research carried out by Northern Irish historian Stephen McCracken reveals Ms Harris’s four-times-paternal-great-grandfather Hamilton Brown was born in Co Antrim in 1776, the year of the US Declaration of Independence.

Brown emigrated to Jamaica, then a British colony, and became an enthusiastic slave owner on the sugar plantations that were the mainstay of the island’s economy. He opposed the abolition of slavery across the British Empire in 1832 and went to Antrim to replace his slaves with workers from his native county.

Anyone American who is a descendant of slave owners is not black
White slave owners frequently raped and impregnated their black female slaves. That's probably latent MAGA moron fantasy.

It's hard to believe you weren't aware of this history
Presumptive Democratic nominee and US vice-president Kamala Harris has Irish roots but not in a way that she is likely to embrace.

Ms Harris is the daughter of Donald J Harris, who was born in Jamaica, and Shyamala Gopalan Harris from India.

Genealogical research carried out by Northern Irish historian Stephen McCracken reveals Ms Harris’s four-times-paternal-great-grandfather Hamilton Brown was born in Co Antrim in 1776, the year of the US Declaration of Independence.

Brown emigrated to Jamaica, then a British colony, and became an enthusiastic slave owner on the sugar plantations that were the mainstay of the island’s economy. He opposed the abolition of slavery across the British Empire in 1832 and went to Antrim to replace his slaves with workers from his native county.

Anyone American who is a descendant of slave owners is not black
Common knowledge.

Who cares?
@volsrock1 Not likely to embrace? You'd embrace someone who raped a family member who was a slave? Of course you would because you are a fucking mental midget.

btw I went to @ you and three accounts came up. Why so many? Fucked up one too many times?