Never ask who will pay for Medicare for All:
Benefit is doublespeak moral horseshit Democrats preach to fools. If you believe the Socialist priesthood you must believe equal distribution of the wealth is also a benefit. In fact, everything Communists advocate is a benefit. Check the economic benefits in Venezuela if you doubt it.
Forget about who will pay for Medicare for All. Ask Harris to explain what she has to take away from the majority of Americans who do not want the benefit she plans on giving to a small minority of parasites. Ask her, and I guarantee she will answer “That is not the kind of country we are.” “WE” meaning Democrat Socialists.
Sad to say, Harris appeals to parasites who would vote for “Kool-Aid” so long as it is free.
Bottom line: There is straight line going from Willie Brown, to Socialism, to Jim Jones, to Kamala Harris:
Willie Brown was Harris’ mentor and lover:
Mass suicide connects Harris to Jim Jones and deadly Socialism:
p.s. Socialism itself is justification for calling them the:
"Part of it is going to be about Wall Street paying more," Harris said. "It's going to be about what we tax in terms of financial services. That's part of it. The other part is to ups understand this is about an investment that will reap a great return on the investment. We can't only look at this issue in terms of cost without thinking about benefit. The benefit to the American public will be that people will have access to health care that right now they cannot afford. And we are all paying a price for that."
July 17, 2019
Kamala Harris claims Medicare for All is possible without raising middle class taxes
Aaron Colen
Kamala Harris claims Medicare for All is possible without raising middle class taxes
Aaron Colen
Benefit is doublespeak moral horseshit Democrats preach to fools. If you believe the Socialist priesthood you must believe equal distribution of the wealth is also a benefit. In fact, everything Communists advocate is a benefit. Check the economic benefits in Venezuela if you doubt it.
Forget about who will pay for Medicare for All. Ask Harris to explain what she has to take away from the majority of Americans who do not want the benefit she plans on giving to a small minority of parasites. Ask her, and I guarantee she will answer “That is not the kind of country we are.” “WE” meaning Democrat Socialists.
Sad to say, Harris appeals to parasites who would vote for “Kool-Aid” so long as it is free.
Bottom line: There is straight line going from Willie Brown, to Socialism, to Jim Jones, to Kamala Harris:
Willie Brown was Harris’ mentor and lover:
In September 1976, California assemblyman Willie Brown served as master of ceremonies at a large testimonial dinner for Jones attended by Governor Jerry Brown and Lieutenant Governor Mervyn Dymally. At that dinner, Brown touted Jones as "what you should see every day when you look in the mirror" and said that he was a combination of Martin Luther King, Jr., Angela Davis, Albert Einstein, and Mao Tse Tung.
Mass suicide connects Harris to Jim Jones and deadly Socialism:
With that reasoning, Jones and several members argued that the group should commit "revolutionary suicide" by drinking cyanide-laced grape-flavored Flavor Aid. Later-released Temple films show Jones opening a storage container full of Kool Aid in large quantities. However, empty packets of grape Flavor Aid found on the scene show that this is what was used to mix the solution, along with a sedative. One member, Christine Miller, dissents toward the beginning of the tape.
When members apparently cried, Jones counseled, "Stop these hysterics. This is not the way for people who are socialists or communists to die.
When members apparently cried, Jones counseled, "Stop these hysterics. This is not the way for people who are socialists or communists to die.
p.s. Socialism itself is justification for calling them the: