APP - Kamala Harris wants to MAGA Trump style. Who knew?



Yes, we know Kamala Harris is running for President even if she hasn't announced. And if this is a prelude to what we can expect then break out the popcorn cuz it is gonna be fun. Let's set aside for a second that Wakanda is a fictional place dreamed up by Disney and Marvel Studios and analyze what she is saying.

So when she says she wants us to be more like Wakanda

Does she mean she wants a society that is only one color? That is Wakanda is

Does she mean she wants to do away with democracy? Wakanda is ruled by a monarch not a democracy or a representative republic.

Does she mean she wants to embrace "toxic masculinity"? In Wakanda disputes are settled by males on the battlefield sometimes to the death.

Does she mean she supports a border wall? Yes, Wakanda does not allow immigration and shields itself from the outside world.

Does she mean she opposes foreign aid? Yes, Wakanda is wealthy beyond imagination and technologically advanced yet it is surrounded by poverty. It does not share its wealth or technology for the good of its neighbors.

Does she mean she supports utilizing natural resources to their fullest like oil and gas? Wakanda is able to achieve these things because of vibranium which is "luckily" on their land. They take a "drill baby drill" attitude to natural resources.

Maybe Kamala Harris didn't see the movie? Maybe Kamala Harris saw the movie and didn't really understand it?

But, hey I am down with us being more like Wakanda