Kamala Harris Will Be Sworn In As The First Female President (for a few months)


First off, it's obvious to anyone who even loosely follows politics that Demonkkkrats are insanely/deeply ideological in their approach to basically everything. If there's any chance to advance their ideology and pump up their rabid far left base, then they will eagerly pounce upon that chance.

Now, let's assemble some data points that lead to my thread title conclusion:

1) The Lightbringer (Barack Obama) has NOT endorsed Cacklin' Kamala Harris for President; Gavin Newscum, on the other hand, HAS endorsed Cacklin' Kamala. The lack of a Lightbringer endorsement means that Demonkkkrats believe that they cannot even cheat their way to "victory" in November (they WILL still try though, so DON'T ever let off the gas). The Newscum endorsement is just political positioning for 2028, which is when he plans on running for President against a fake MAGA candidate (IOW, a RINO of some sort).

2) The "Biden" campaign has been quickly losing support, even from Demonkkkrats who have been fighting amongst themselves ever since Biden's disastrous debate performance. They have recently been pretending to "juuuust now notice" SOME of Biden's health issues, and the media have not been 100% coddling him anymore, which means that the Demonkkkrat Party are done with him. They have noticed just how poorly Biden has been polling against Trump, even from most of their "spin doctor" polling firms (Quinnipiac, YouGov etc).

3) Frank Biden (Joe's brother), when recently speaking about Joe, made use of the phrase "to enjoy whatever time we have left". The usage of that phrase, along with Joe "disappearing from public sight" "due to COVID", indicates that Joe's health is now quickly deteriorating (and that his doctor is still lying to the public about his (lack of) good health.

Given those data points, I don't think that it's a far stretch at all to predict that Joe Biden will soon be officially replaced by Kamala Harris as the Chief Puppet of this nation, even if just for a handful of months. In fact, an August timing for this would be perfect, as it would largely remove the current awkwardness surrounding their convention, and they could use the convention to energize their base, advancing their warped ideology along the way.

"First woman President!!" "First woman President!!" "We did it!!!" Blah blah blah blah blah..... You'll never hear the end of it, about the "historic and empowering moment" for "women across the nation"...

You heard it here first.
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you are right about the fact that if she steps up as president prior to the convention it eliminates awkward questions about the legitimacy of choosing an appointed rather than a democratically chosen nominee.......
1) The Lightbringer (Barack Obama) has NOT endorsed Cacklin' Kamala Harris for President; Gavin Newscum, on the other hand, HAS endorsed Cacklin' Kamala.
The DNC has its candidates already planned out 12 years in advance to the best that they can, while giving Democrat voters the belief that they are somehow "voting" on who those candidates are at any moment. If you'll recall the times Democrat voters thought they were "voting" for Bernie or for Warren or for Buttigieg ... when they never had any chance whatsoever because Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden had already been promised the candidacies, and the superdelegates are there to ensure the plan is followed.

Let's momentarily review how we got here: After the George Bush Presidency, Hillary had waited patiently for "her turn." The DNC is desperate, as you mention, to champion the first woman President of the United States, and back in 2008, Hillary was led to believe that she would be that woman. Well, the DNC stumbled upon a golden opportunity that they could not bypass, i.e. Barak Obama, a "black" man who was willing to "play the game" (read: allow the established Democrat leadership to remain in control of the party) and allow the DNC to champion the first "black" US President. You should recall how Hillary dug in and refused to let "her turn" be lost. She would not drop out of the race, insisting that Barak wait his turn. The DNC, of course, would have none of it, and so they brokered the deal that is still being sorted out today.

That deal involved Hillary backing off and endorsing Obama for the present, for which she would be made Secretary of State (the highest ranking cabinet position) so she could do her "pay to play" power brokerage for the Clinton Foundation. The agreement stipulated that after Obama's terms were over, Hillary would be assured of "her turn" BEFORE Biden got his turn. That was the only way Hillary would drop out of the race and stop dividing the DNC's efforts. This agreement enabled the DNC to get over that hurdle and get Obama into office.

So, the candidates were locked in for 16 years. Obama had an easy two terms, only having to run against two RINOs that were approved by the DNC. Hillary got her turn, but Trump batted her aside. Biden had to be installed. All this time, Democrat voters "voted" for their preferred candidates in the belief that their "votes" were actually being counted by someone. So we come to today.

Obama isn't going to endorse anyone because he is "playing the game" and letting the oligarchy select the candidates (while leading the Democrat voters to believe that they are the ones deciding). Obama will then endorse whomever he is told to endorse, i.e. the oligarchy controls Obama's endorsements. The oligarchy is still desperate to champion the first woman President, and whereas the DNC would otherwise be willing to pull out all the stops to get Kamala, a "black-Indian" woman elected ... they know that Trump will be squashing her like a bug, and Kamala, despite her dancing proficiency and resume (VP) will quickly become unelectable forever after.

Ergo, your "data points" are valid, but are incidental. This could very well be the DNC's final opportunity to champion the first woman President. For all I know, the kicking of Biden to the curb could very well be your assertion in motion. If the DNC does not get Kamala into the Presidency in the next few months, the newly reborn Republican party, transformed under Trump, might eventually run a woman who wins, and the opportunity will be gone forever. I could see Tulsi Gabbard switching parties at that point, seeing wide open political vistas that are completely nonexistent within the DNC.

"First woman President!!" "First woman President!!" "We did it!!!" Blah blah blah blah blah..... You'll never hear the end of it, about the "historic and empowering moment" for "women across the nation" You heard it here first.
Let's first acknowledge just how spot on you are ... OK ... acknowledged. Next, let's apply a little critical reasoning and realize that the kicking of Biden to the curb is not about what's good for the country or what's good for Democrat voters, but about what is good for the DNC oligarchy.

You should take this on the lecture circuit. Your wisdom is not something that should be hoarded.
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The DNC has its candidates already planned out 12 years in advance to the best that they can, while giving Democrat voters the belief that they are somehow "voting" on who those candidates are at any moment. If you'll recall the times Democrat voters thought they were "voting" for Bernie or for Warren or for Buttigieg ... when they never had any chance whatsoever because Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden had already been promised the candidacies, and the superdelegates are there to ensure the plan is followed.
Absolutely correct.

The "Democrat Party", on the surface level anyway, loudly and proudly champions "democracy", yet they sure do conduct their business in a manner that is anything BUT "democratic", don't they?! As you noted, the whole "superdelegate" system is anything BUT democratic, as it is in place to override the "will of the people" if the people want a different candidate than the DNC wants (e.g. wanting Bernie in 2016 & 2020 instead of Killary and Dementia Joe).

You also rightly note that none of this stuff happens "spur of the moment". It is all pre-planned, well in advance. There is absolutely nothing authentic or "grass roots" about it. Yet, libtards simply continue to clap like seals after each and every time that they receive their latest 'instructions', their latest 'programming', their latest 'software update', or whatever language you wish to use to describe what happens.

The DNC keeps conning their supporters into believing that they are actually being listened to and are actually directly / "democratically" participating in the DNC's affairs.... and those libtard supporters keep buying into that con.
Let's momentarily review how we got here:
A very astute and accurate review of 21st century Democrat politics, thus far.
This could very well be the DNC's final opportunity to champion the first woman President. For all I know, the kicking of Biden to the curb could very well be your assertion in motion. If the DNC does not get Kamala into the Presidency in the next few months, the newly reborn Republican party, transformed under Trump, might eventually run a woman who wins, and the opportunity will be gone forever.
Indeed. This fact of "could be the final opportunity", along with the fact of an (otherwise) upcoming lackluster shit-show of a DNC convention, along with Biden's rapid decline, all lead me to believe that the DNC will pounce upon this opportunity to have a "first woman President" before "someone else" beats them to the punch.
I could see Tulsi Gabbard switching parties at that point, seeing wide open political vistas that are completely nonexistent within the DNC.
Definitely a possibility. She's already been sliding towards that direction, and I'm sure that Democrats have noticed that the "first woman President" prize could be slipping from their grasp.
Let's first acknowledge just how spot on you are ... OK ... acknowledged. Next, let's apply a little critical reasoning and realize that the kicking of Biden to the curb is not about what's good for the country or what's good for Democrat voters, but about what is good for the DNC oligarchy.

You should take this on the lecture circuit. Your wisdom is not something that should be hoarded.
On the lecture circuit she goes! :)
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If Harris becomes the President for real, that is she replaces Biden who leaves office early, she's doomed come November. She'll have a track record she can't deny, and the likelihood is it'll be a disaster given her performance as VP.
If Harris becomes the President for real, that is she replaces Biden who leaves office early, she's doomed come November. She'll have a track record she can't deny, and the likelihood is it'll be a disaster given her performance as VP.
I'd say that, since she's currently the Vice Chief Puppet (and soon to be the actual Chief Puppet if I am correct about Biden's rapidly deteriorating health and about how the DNC rolls in general), she already has a track record that she can't deny. For instance, Democrats are already trying to rewrite their own history about them dubbing her as the "border czar".
I'd say that, since she's currently the Vice Chief Puppet (and soon to be the actual Chief Puppet if I am correct about Biden's rapidly deteriorating health and about how the DNC rolls in general), she already has a track record that she can't deny. For instance, Democrats are already trying to rewrite their own history about them dubbing her as the "border czar".
I ignore that title and instead point to her actions on the topic of illegal immigration and the border. It's like the Left pushing that idiot Project 2025 nonsense. They take a non-issue and make it an issue that is intended to distract from the actual issues. When you recognize it, it's easy to just ignore their nonsense and push back to the actual topic at hand. That's when the Left goes to insulting you instead.
I ignore that title and instead point to her actions on the topic of illegal immigration and the border. It's like the Left pushing that idiot Project 2025 nonsense. They take a non-issue and make it an issue that is intended to distract from the actual issues. When you recognize it, it's easy to just ignore their nonsense and push back to the actual topic at hand. That's when the Left goes to insulting you instead.
Yeah, that Project 2025 nonsense I've just ignored. Trump's agenda is "Agenda 47" and is posted on his campaign website. Project 2025 has absolutely nothing to do with Trump and is thus completely irrelevant.

And yes, you're right about the "border czar" thing too. One could argue back and forth about whether or not she was a "border czar", but as you note, it diverts away from the actual illegal alien invasion issues at hand.
Excellent comedy today.
Your wisdom is not something that should be hoarded.
HOF that is............a little circle jerk is always cute.........
its obvious this woman is a threat to maga boys