Kanye West is worse than Hitler and Stalin combined


He's the song "Young Folks", one of the best songs of the 2000's:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51V1VMkuyx0"]YouTube - Peter, Bjorn & John - Young Folks[/ame]

Here's Kanye West's "cover":

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LVvCSZKvf8"]YouTube - Kanye West - Young Folks[/ame]

I put the scare quotes around cover because it's more like he whines over the music for five minutes.

I am displeased.
man is that boring music


Get back on your walker and take your meds.
This on top of that Daft Punk monstrosity.

Why can't those gangster rappers recreate the 1990s and shoot him in the heart with a massive chrome pistol, just for old time's sake?
rappers have no talent. this is a fact. and for those saying it's just the mainstream ones, even If I were to concede there may be some that aren't completely talentless, they don't even come close to even the shittiest band that plays instruments
because they have no brains but prole america eats the shit up. if they weren't using their talentless abilities they would be slinging drugs
i hate bikers so much. i always beep my horn super loud and try to scare the shit out of them. hopefully they veer off the road and die.
This on top of that Daft Punk monstrosity.

Why can't those gangster rappers recreate the 1990s and shoot him in the heart with a massive chrome pistol, just for old time's sake?

Kanye West is an, ill mannered, ill tempered, over-indulged and grossly over-rated little man suffering from an Napolean Concept.

His face is directly above the term: Over Compensation