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"What I'm describing now is ...the march of freedom and democracy which will leave Marxism/Leninism on the ash heap of history." (Ronald Reagan, 1982)
One of the great ironies of Karl Marx is that while he famously called for the workers of the world to unite and overthrow thebourgeoisie (the oppressive, capitalist ruling class), he had no first-hand knowledge or experience of the working class, or of"proletariat" culture at all. With the exception of scribbling out some political articles for newspapers, Marx never did an honest days work in his entire adult life. He was the product of a privileged upbringing; and even when his own family were suffering in desperate poverty in London, he felt that actually getting off his lard ass and working (which he could well have done) was beneath him, because it was essential that he, a genius, be allowed to idle about writing down his unhinged thoughts on a radical political philosophy that would that would transform the world into a paradise . Marx's political/economic theories DID transform the world, but they were so potently flawed, they transformed much of it into a Hell, not a Heaven.
Marx's father, Heinrich, was middle-class lawyer whose family home was a ten-bedroom property in Trier (in the picturesque German Rhineland). Heinrich Marx's wife, Henriette Pressburg, was a woman from a very prosperous business family that later formed the company Phillip's Electronics (I'm sure that some of the light bulbs in my house right now are "Phillips" brand bulbs!) Karl Marx was born in Trier in 1818 and privately educated before be began his secondary studies at the exclusive Lyceum of Trier, a Jesuit Gymnasium, where he received excellent qualifications. He did scandalize his fellow students, however, on one occasion. Young Marx had become Co-President of the Trier Tavern Drinking Club and one evening, he and other members of the club got roaring drunk and ran loudly amok through the town, galloping donkeys and disturbing the peace in general. Marx was apprehended by the police and thrown in jail until he recovered his sobriety. After secondary school, Marx, now aged 17, was sent to the prestigious University of Bonn in 1935 where he studied Humanities and Law in 1835. While he was at Bonn, Marx was challenged to a duel, he accepted and was shot. Fortunately for him. he only sustained a small wound the the left eye. Heinrich Marx was extremely concerned by the incident, however, and in consequence Marx was transferred from Bonn to Berlin University where he spent five years (1836 - 1841) studying law and philosophy. After he matriculated in the faculty of Law in 1836, philosophy become his major interest and while he was at Berlin University he wrote a thesis in philosophy. Marx's thesis was controversial and his radical friends encouraged him to submit it to the more liberal University of Jena, instead of the more conservative Berlin University. Marx took their advice, the thesis was accepted at Jena and he received his PhD in 1941. Shortly after this, Marx also became a qualified journalist.
In 1936, Marx and his childhood friend Jenny von Westphalen were secretly engaged, Jenny was four years older than Marx. After seven years of engagement the couple finally married in 1843. Jenny was an attractive, intelligent girl from an aristocratic family of high military and administrative distinction. They opposed her marriage to Marx as did Marx's own father. They all feared that Jenny was destined to become a sacrifice to the demon that possessed Marx. They were 100% correct, Marx put his wife through Hell.
The best insight into the character of Karl Marx the man is afforded by his behavior in London. Marx and his family arrived in London in 1850 as emigres after the failed 1848 revolution in Europe and took up residence in a small two- roomed flat at 28 Dean Street in the Soho area of London. Two years after the failed 1848 revolutions in all the capital cities of Europe, Soho was the district in London where the largest numbers of foreign political exiles were to be found. The "1848 Exiles" concentrated in Soho included: Germans; French; Austrians; Italians; Russians; Poles and Hungarians among others. Most of them had little money, including Karl Marx who was more or less penniless.
When Marx and his family arrived in Soho it was one of the most densely populated areas of London. A network of mean and narrow streets, cowsheds, slaughterhouses and grease boiling dens, Soho was largely a squalid, unhealthy and disreputable part of the capital. Marx had run out of money so he had no option but to move his family into a cramped two-room lodging at 28 Dean Street where they would remain for the next six years. Quite apart from the lack of space at 28 Dean Street, Soho had been the center of London's sex industry since the late 1700s, as with the sharp increase in population density in the area that had occurred by the mid- 19th century, Soho was full of prostitutes plying their trade on the streets and around the many tawdry music halls and disreputable dancing halls. It was not exactly an ideal environment for raising children, and I expect it was a shock to the system for Marx's wife the genteel daughter of a German aristocrat. Soho's high population density resulted in houses being divided into tenements with chronic overcrowding and sickness. The prevalence of disease was increased by the fact that Soho was not connected to London's sewerage system. This led to houses using their cellars as a crude cesspit for excrement or residents having to relieve themselves in pots then bury the waste collected on a daily basis. Not surprisingly, it was in Soho that a serious outbreak of cholera occurred in 1854 which ultimately killed 616 people. The source of the cholera bacterium (which is spread by human faeces) was famously discovered a Dr John Snow who had cleverly traced the source of the infection to a street water pump in Soho whose water had been contaminated with cholera by women using it to wash the dirty diapers of their babies.
After moving into Dean Street in Soho, Marx's only income was a very small amount of money he was paid for writing occasional political articles for one or two newspapers. As a result he and his family lived in poverty subsisting "hand-to-mouth" for six years on a diet of bread and potatoes. Being a well-educated man, Marx could have found decent work in London if he wished, but he did not want to work and came up with all sorts of reasons why he shouldn't. Mainly, he thought that work was beneath him, it was far more important that a genius (like himself) should be left to spend his days formulating a radical political/economic theory that would prepare the workers of the world for a great, global socialist revolution that would eventually evolve - according to his predictions - into a worldwide social utopia called communism. Marx is best understood as a prophet, what he was doing was writing down what he "KNEW" would happen in the future, but all of his predictions, like the imminent self- implosion of capitalist, economic systems and the great proletarian world revolution that would follow it were never realized. Marx and Jenny had seven children together, though only three lived to adulthood. The four children who died young, died of the poverty they had to to endure in Soho. This goes to show that Marx didn't really care about his children at all. He didn't care if they lived or died. If he had done, he would have found himself a job to prevent them starving to death. But he was too obsessed with his own importance and brilliance to lower himself to the indignity of working and earning an income to put food on the table for his own family.
Friedrich Engels was a German socialist philosopher and Marx's closest collaborator in his founding of Communism. Engel's father was the owner of a textile factory in Barman and also a partner in the "Ermen and Engels" cotton plant in Manchester. Even after Engels openly pursued the revolutionary political goals that threatened the values of the family, he could always count on financial aid from home. After the failure of the 1848 revolution, Engels was in London with Marx. To support both himself and partner in the concern. the impoverished Marx, he accepted a subordinate position in the offices of "Ermen and Engels" in Manchester, eventually becoming a fully-fledged partner in the plant. He functioned successfully as a businessman never allowing his communist principles and criticisms of capitalism to interfere with the profitable work of his firm. Hence he was able to send money to the penniless Marx constantly, usually in the form of 5 Pound notes, but later in far higher figures.
Thus, when they were living in Soho, London for six years, Marx and his family lived of the charity of capitalists. He lived off the money that Engels sent him, earned by working in capitalist industry - money that was taken off the exploited backs of factory workers. Marx took this money and sat in his hovel at 26 Dean Street bemoaning the fate of the working class. He wondered what it would be like to be a member of theproletariat, but Marx had never performed an honest day's labour in his life, he had no experience in the real world outside the ivory towers of universities and the cultural cocoon of the radical socialist "intelligentsia" of his time. Marx never set foot in a mine or a mill or a farm or a factory, he would have never lower himself to chat with a real worker over a beer Just like his modern-day socialist descendent in America, Marx thought he was very special and very important, and therefore entitled. The world owed Marx a living and he felt justified in being given everything for free while someone else toiled to pay the bills.
I think any political philosopher who talks about the coming of a utopia for humanity is crazy; either that, or taking drugs. A vistor to 28 Dean street, noted that Marx was often drunk, so this could, perhaps, be the reason that his theories were so flawed and his "scientific" predictions were such a load of nonsense. This visitor wrote of Marx that ...
Washing and grooming and changing his linen are things he does rarely. He is frequently drunk. Though he can be idle for days on end, he will work day and night with diligent assurance when he has a great deal of work to do. He has no fixed times for going to sleep and waking up. He often stays up all night, then lies down fully clothed on a tatty sofa at midday and sleeps till evening, untroubled by the whole world coming and going through the room.
While Marx was living at Dean Street in Soho, Jenny Marx's mother hired a working-class maid named Helene ("Luchen") Demuth, who Jenny used to oversee the better quarters of the house. (As mentioned, Marx could never have afforded to hire a maid given his straitened financial circumstances). In 1851, Marx had an affair with Demuth while Jenny was living apart from him. As sad as the affair was, given the economic hardships Jenny Marx had to endure through her married life, the story gets much worse. Demuth and Marx conceived a child together, and rather than acknowledge his mistake, Marx went to great lengths to cover it up.
Fearing that this indiscretion would destroy his marriage and damage his public image, Marx organized a cover-up.... Engels pretended he was the father and Miss Demuth confirmed the deception. The infant, Frederick Demuth, was given away to be brought up by a working-class family in London. For more than 40 years, no one knew about the deception, including Marx's son, Frederick. It was only after Engels admitted the sad story on his deathbed in 1895 that the affair was revealed. Broken-hearted about the the news one of Marx's daughters committed suicide three years later (Marx's second daughter also committed suicide by taking cyanide in 1911).
Frederick Demuth grew up poor, received no financial support from Marx, and was never allowed to see his father. Frederick died poor in 1922 and was unaware that his father was Marx and not Engels.
Historians have argued that Marx abandoned his son because he was terrified that Freddy's paternity would be discovered and that this would do him fatal damage as a revolutionary seer and leader.
MARX WAS A TRULY DESPICABLE HUMAN BEING and the story of Freddy highlights two important points....
(1) The disgusting irony of Karl Marx - the so-called savior of the working-class, taking advantage of a working-class woman, having an affair with her, impregnating her, and then refusing to take responsibility for his actions. Doesn't really sound like much of a champion of the working-class to me !
(2) Secondly, and more importantly, it put on full display the ends-justify-the-means mentality that has been deeply engraved in socialism and communism for more than a century,
One of the great ironies of Karl Marx is that while he famously called for the workers of the world to unite and overthrow thebourgeoisie (the oppressive, capitalist ruling class), he had no first-hand knowledge or experience of the working class, or of"proletariat" culture at all. With the exception of scribbling out some political articles for newspapers, Marx never did an honest days work in his entire adult life. He was the product of a privileged upbringing; and even when his own family were suffering in desperate poverty in London, he felt that actually getting off his lard ass and working (which he could well have done) was beneath him, because it was essential that he, a genius, be allowed to idle about writing down his unhinged thoughts on a radical political philosophy that would that would transform the world into a paradise . Marx's political/economic theories DID transform the world, but they were so potently flawed, they transformed much of it into a Hell, not a Heaven.
Marx's father, Heinrich, was middle-class lawyer whose family home was a ten-bedroom property in Trier (in the picturesque German Rhineland). Heinrich Marx's wife, Henriette Pressburg, was a woman from a very prosperous business family that later formed the company Phillip's Electronics (I'm sure that some of the light bulbs in my house right now are "Phillips" brand bulbs!) Karl Marx was born in Trier in 1818 and privately educated before be began his secondary studies at the exclusive Lyceum of Trier, a Jesuit Gymnasium, where he received excellent qualifications. He did scandalize his fellow students, however, on one occasion. Young Marx had become Co-President of the Trier Tavern Drinking Club and one evening, he and other members of the club got roaring drunk and ran loudly amok through the town, galloping donkeys and disturbing the peace in general. Marx was apprehended by the police and thrown in jail until he recovered his sobriety. After secondary school, Marx, now aged 17, was sent to the prestigious University of Bonn in 1935 where he studied Humanities and Law in 1835. While he was at Bonn, Marx was challenged to a duel, he accepted and was shot. Fortunately for him. he only sustained a small wound the the left eye. Heinrich Marx was extremely concerned by the incident, however, and in consequence Marx was transferred from Bonn to Berlin University where he spent five years (1836 - 1841) studying law and philosophy. After he matriculated in the faculty of Law in 1836, philosophy become his major interest and while he was at Berlin University he wrote a thesis in philosophy. Marx's thesis was controversial and his radical friends encouraged him to submit it to the more liberal University of Jena, instead of the more conservative Berlin University. Marx took their advice, the thesis was accepted at Jena and he received his PhD in 1941. Shortly after this, Marx also became a qualified journalist.
In 1936, Marx and his childhood friend Jenny von Westphalen were secretly engaged, Jenny was four years older than Marx. After seven years of engagement the couple finally married in 1843. Jenny was an attractive, intelligent girl from an aristocratic family of high military and administrative distinction. They opposed her marriage to Marx as did Marx's own father. They all feared that Jenny was destined to become a sacrifice to the demon that possessed Marx. They were 100% correct, Marx put his wife through Hell.
The best insight into the character of Karl Marx the man is afforded by his behavior in London. Marx and his family arrived in London in 1850 as emigres after the failed 1848 revolution in Europe and took up residence in a small two- roomed flat at 28 Dean Street in the Soho area of London. Two years after the failed 1848 revolutions in all the capital cities of Europe, Soho was the district in London where the largest numbers of foreign political exiles were to be found. The "1848 Exiles" concentrated in Soho included: Germans; French; Austrians; Italians; Russians; Poles and Hungarians among others. Most of them had little money, including Karl Marx who was more or less penniless.
When Marx and his family arrived in Soho it was one of the most densely populated areas of London. A network of mean and narrow streets, cowsheds, slaughterhouses and grease boiling dens, Soho was largely a squalid, unhealthy and disreputable part of the capital. Marx had run out of money so he had no option but to move his family into a cramped two-room lodging at 28 Dean Street where they would remain for the next six years. Quite apart from the lack of space at 28 Dean Street, Soho had been the center of London's sex industry since the late 1700s, as with the sharp increase in population density in the area that had occurred by the mid- 19th century, Soho was full of prostitutes plying their trade on the streets and around the many tawdry music halls and disreputable dancing halls. It was not exactly an ideal environment for raising children, and I expect it was a shock to the system for Marx's wife the genteel daughter of a German aristocrat. Soho's high population density resulted in houses being divided into tenements with chronic overcrowding and sickness. The prevalence of disease was increased by the fact that Soho was not connected to London's sewerage system. This led to houses using their cellars as a crude cesspit for excrement or residents having to relieve themselves in pots then bury the waste collected on a daily basis. Not surprisingly, it was in Soho that a serious outbreak of cholera occurred in 1854 which ultimately killed 616 people. The source of the cholera bacterium (which is spread by human faeces) was famously discovered a Dr John Snow who had cleverly traced the source of the infection to a street water pump in Soho whose water had been contaminated with cholera by women using it to wash the dirty diapers of their babies.
After moving into Dean Street in Soho, Marx's only income was a very small amount of money he was paid for writing occasional political articles for one or two newspapers. As a result he and his family lived in poverty subsisting "hand-to-mouth" for six years on a diet of bread and potatoes. Being a well-educated man, Marx could have found decent work in London if he wished, but he did not want to work and came up with all sorts of reasons why he shouldn't. Mainly, he thought that work was beneath him, it was far more important that a genius (like himself) should be left to spend his days formulating a radical political/economic theory that would prepare the workers of the world for a great, global socialist revolution that would eventually evolve - according to his predictions - into a worldwide social utopia called communism. Marx is best understood as a prophet, what he was doing was writing down what he "KNEW" would happen in the future, but all of his predictions, like the imminent self- implosion of capitalist, economic systems and the great proletarian world revolution that would follow it were never realized. Marx and Jenny had seven children together, though only three lived to adulthood. The four children who died young, died of the poverty they had to to endure in Soho. This goes to show that Marx didn't really care about his children at all. He didn't care if they lived or died. If he had done, he would have found himself a job to prevent them starving to death. But he was too obsessed with his own importance and brilliance to lower himself to the indignity of working and earning an income to put food on the table for his own family.
Friedrich Engels was a German socialist philosopher and Marx's closest collaborator in his founding of Communism. Engel's father was the owner of a textile factory in Barman and also a partner in the "Ermen and Engels" cotton plant in Manchester. Even after Engels openly pursued the revolutionary political goals that threatened the values of the family, he could always count on financial aid from home. After the failure of the 1848 revolution, Engels was in London with Marx. To support both himself and partner in the concern. the impoverished Marx, he accepted a subordinate position in the offices of "Ermen and Engels" in Manchester, eventually becoming a fully-fledged partner in the plant. He functioned successfully as a businessman never allowing his communist principles and criticisms of capitalism to interfere with the profitable work of his firm. Hence he was able to send money to the penniless Marx constantly, usually in the form of 5 Pound notes, but later in far higher figures.
Thus, when they were living in Soho, London for six years, Marx and his family lived of the charity of capitalists. He lived off the money that Engels sent him, earned by working in capitalist industry - money that was taken off the exploited backs of factory workers. Marx took this money and sat in his hovel at 26 Dean Street bemoaning the fate of the working class. He wondered what it would be like to be a member of theproletariat, but Marx had never performed an honest day's labour in his life, he had no experience in the real world outside the ivory towers of universities and the cultural cocoon of the radical socialist "intelligentsia" of his time. Marx never set foot in a mine or a mill or a farm or a factory, he would have never lower himself to chat with a real worker over a beer Just like his modern-day socialist descendent in America, Marx thought he was very special and very important, and therefore entitled. The world owed Marx a living and he felt justified in being given everything for free while someone else toiled to pay the bills.
I think any political philosopher who talks about the coming of a utopia for humanity is crazy; either that, or taking drugs. A vistor to 28 Dean street, noted that Marx was often drunk, so this could, perhaps, be the reason that his theories were so flawed and his "scientific" predictions were such a load of nonsense. This visitor wrote of Marx that ...
Washing and grooming and changing his linen are things he does rarely. He is frequently drunk. Though he can be idle for days on end, he will work day and night with diligent assurance when he has a great deal of work to do. He has no fixed times for going to sleep and waking up. He often stays up all night, then lies down fully clothed on a tatty sofa at midday and sleeps till evening, untroubled by the whole world coming and going through the room.
While Marx was living at Dean Street in Soho, Jenny Marx's mother hired a working-class maid named Helene ("Luchen") Demuth, who Jenny used to oversee the better quarters of the house. (As mentioned, Marx could never have afforded to hire a maid given his straitened financial circumstances). In 1851, Marx had an affair with Demuth while Jenny was living apart from him. As sad as the affair was, given the economic hardships Jenny Marx had to endure through her married life, the story gets much worse. Demuth and Marx conceived a child together, and rather than acknowledge his mistake, Marx went to great lengths to cover it up.
Fearing that this indiscretion would destroy his marriage and damage his public image, Marx organized a cover-up.... Engels pretended he was the father and Miss Demuth confirmed the deception. The infant, Frederick Demuth, was given away to be brought up by a working-class family in London. For more than 40 years, no one knew about the deception, including Marx's son, Frederick. It was only after Engels admitted the sad story on his deathbed in 1895 that the affair was revealed. Broken-hearted about the the news one of Marx's daughters committed suicide three years later (Marx's second daughter also committed suicide by taking cyanide in 1911).
Frederick Demuth grew up poor, received no financial support from Marx, and was never allowed to see his father. Frederick died poor in 1922 and was unaware that his father was Marx and not Engels.
Historians have argued that Marx abandoned his son because he was terrified that Freddy's paternity would be discovered and that this would do him fatal damage as a revolutionary seer and leader.
MARX WAS A TRULY DESPICABLE HUMAN BEING and the story of Freddy highlights two important points....
(1) The disgusting irony of Karl Marx - the so-called savior of the working-class, taking advantage of a working-class woman, having an affair with her, impregnating her, and then refusing to take responsibility for his actions. Doesn't really sound like much of a champion of the working-class to me !
(2) Secondly, and more importantly, it put on full display the ends-justify-the-means mentality that has been deeply engraved in socialism and communism for more than a century,
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