Karl Rove thinks only one Dem has a good chance to beat Trump

Trump will beat Trump. He is such a huge , rude and crude asshole that 2020 will focus on what he is. He has been able to hide for 3 years. He will try like hell to do it some more. He will refuse debates. You know he will. He has ended presidential press conferences because they are above his ability to handle. He ended daily pressers because they are without answers. He can win if he can hide. But the impeachment will clarify what he is to many who are not so sure. If all he has done comes out, he will burn. That is why Moscow has to shut it down as fast as he can.
Trumps stonewalling can fail. Then he is screwed. Who on this planet can ignore subpoenas and court orders? Can Trump keep it up? Who has a reason to ignore them? Who has no respect for the law or justice? Nobody like Trump ever came along and fooled so many people.
America need for this crook to be exposed.

I think several other Dem candidates can beat Trump, but Biden would smack Trump so hard he would start snow flaking and the American people as a whole would lose respect for the Pres.

Rove is only saying that because he knows Biden would lose. He wants Biden to get the nom so Trump can win.
Trump is a street fighter in debates. When Kamala Harris destroyed Biden in the first primary debate, we saw that Biden does terrible in a situation like that.
Biden will beat Trump like a drum.

The prog left don't want him, but tough noogies for them.

Biden easily bounced back from Harris, and where is she now?