Kasich Would Rather Switch Than Fight


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Agent 006 & 7/8[SUP]ths[/SUP] reports that John Kasich is going to switch parties:

Ohio lawmakers override John Kasich's gun bill veto
by Claude Thompson
December 28, 2018 10:24 AM



Ohio Gov Kasich Vetoes Bill Banning Abortion After Detection of a Fetal Heartbeat

Lauretta Brown
Posted: Dec 24, 2018 3:30 PM



John Kasich's Common Core lie
By Jason Russell | May 2, 2015 | 5:00 am


John Kasich was always a presidential joke. He delivered his punch line in the Fourth presidential debate in 2015.


Notice that he wasted no time latching on to the tried and true money-grabbing strategy driving the welfare state —— THE CHILDREN:

In response to Donald Trump’s emphatic statements on immigration that “we are a country of laws,” and illegal immigrants will have to leave the country, Gov. John Kasich said during the GOP debate Tuesday that shipping them back to Mexico is a “silly argument.”

“If people think we are going to ship 11 million people who are law-abiding, who are in this country, and somehow pick them up at their house and ship them out to Mexico?” Kasich asked. “Think about the families, think about the children. So you know what the answer really is? If they’ve been law-abiding, they pay a penalty, they get to stay. We protect the wall, anybody else comes over, they go back.”

Kasich admitted the United States needs to control its border “just like people have to control who goes in and out of their house.”

John Kasich: 11 Million Illegal Immigrants – ‘They Get to Stay’
by Dr. Susan Berry
10 Nov 2015


Since 1965 Democrats blocked every attempt to protect this country to the tune of today’s tens of millions of illegal aliens; there is no proof that John Kasich is any different.

Thankfully, Donald Trump was not intimidated by Kasich’s attempt to lay a lay a guilt trip on everybody who does not fall for “THE CHILDREN” scam.

Every presidential candidate after LBJ’s welfare state took off promised to reform the tax code. The rhetoric goes something like this:

‘I can make the government run more efficiently by eliminating waste and fraud.’

Failed presidential candidate, John Kasich, was big on making the federal government run efficiently which is the last thing anybody with a lick of sense wants. If you doubt me take a look at what inefficiency does to you, then look at what efficiency will do.

The fact is this:


Reform is impossible without bipartisan support begs these questions:

1. What does bipartisanship give to Democrats who are committed to a totalitarian “democracy”? (Upchuck Schumer refers to “our constitutional democracy.)

2. What does bipartisanship give to Education industry parasites who thrive on the income tax?

3. When did conservative Americans ever get anything from bipartisan legislation in the past 60 years?

Hark back to the time reforming healthcare filled the airwaves for months on end. Instead of reform the Democrats finally gave the country socialized medicine and called it reform. No surprise there. Whenever Democrats talk about reform they always mean making it worse. Obama and Pelosi must have gotten their definition of reform from a Klingon dictionary. As usual, they played fast and loose with the truth so it fit into their reform socialized medicine sales pitch.

Bottom line: Talking about taxes of any kind must begin and end with repealing the XVI Amendment. Please let me know if you ever hear an elected official in either party mention repeal.

Notice how much John Kasich looks like Alfred E Neuman?



Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) said on Sunday that the U.S. might be witnessing the end of the two-party political system.

“We may be beginning to see the end of a two-party system,” Kasich said on ABC’s "This Week." "I'm starting to really wonder if we are going to see a multiparty system at some point in the future in this country because I don't think either party is answering people's deepest concerns and needs.”

Kasich ponders end of two-party system
By Luis Sanchez - 02/25/18 10:31 AM EST


Kasich is wrong about end of the two-party political system. He would be more wrong had he predicted a third party.

The minute a viable third party becomes a reality Republicans and Democrats will merge into one party; i.e., pool their big money contributors, share the same positions of power and influence and so on. In fact, welfare state policies and Internationalism prove that their positions of power are already shared on every level of government.

NOTE: Tea Parties are a serious threat to the establishment because they won congressional seats running as Republicans. The aforementioned merger will take place on the day true conservatives can stop Republicans and Democrats from selling out the American people at every turn.

As for a third party, the Republican Party’s undeniable betrayals on socialized medicine, on amnesty, on open-borders, etc. tells me that the ruling class is well-prepared for the merger —— but not for the reasons Kasich offers.

This country will always have two MAJOR political parties, while third parties never stood a chance when conservatives concentrated their efforts on a presidential candidate like Ross Perot who was the most successful third party candidate in this country’s history, and he unintentionally got Bill Clinton elected.

Conservatives do not need, a presidential candidate until they become one party with a large number of seats in both chambers of the Congress. In short: Congress first —— president second.

Conservatives sure as hell will never find a candidate among establishment Republicans who swear they are conservative. In any event, Establishment Republicans will never give the nomination to a true conservative.
Donald Trump is an anomaly to be sure, but I would not call him a conservative.

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...you assholes on the right certainly cannot have someone who occasionally makes sense being a member of your party.

We understand.

Stick with the walking farts you have. And be sure to savage anyone who talks sense.

That will get you far!
Lol you guys are retarded. The nation is not going in this direction. You can continue dreaming about your tea party glory days and driving yourself into the ground though. 2020 is going to be a bloodbath and a textbook example of why you shouldn't base your electability solely on enthusiasm.

...you assholes on the right certainly cannot have someone who occasionally makes sense being a member of your party.

We understand.

Stick with the walking farts you have. And be sure to savage anyone who talks sense.

That will get you far!

You can have Kasich. He belongs in your democrat party. Take Flake too

...you assholes on the right certainly cannot have someone who occasionally makes sense being a member of your party.

We understand.

Stick with the walking farts you have. And be sure to savage anyone who talks sense.

That will get you far!
Kasich also doesn’t look like Alfred Newman, these people also need glasses.
You can have Kasich. He belongs in your democrat party. Take Flake too

When you are correct, IHA, you are correct...and I am willing to acknowledge you are correct here.

Flake and Kasich both have functioning brains...they do not belong in the Republican Party. They should be Independents or (stretching it a bit) Democrats.

Keep working at making your party a taller pile of shit...so that everyone can see it (and smell it) even from a distance.

What a sad bunch of Trump's Chumps. Throwing their party under the bus for an incompetent, ignorant, classless boor.

Except for the price we are all going to pay because of the abomination's "administration"...it would be funny.
hes right on more parties. we need that.

tptb like to keep it to two. it makes their hegelian dialectic control processes work more simply.
Lol you guys are retarded. The nation is not going in this direction. You can continue dreaming about your tea party glory days and driving yourself into the ground though. 2020 is going to be a bloodbath and a textbook example of why you shouldn't base your electability solely on enthusiasm.

they didn't

they based it on cheating the fuck out of the American people in elections
When you are correct, IHA, you are correct...and I am willing to acknowledge you are correct here.

Flake and Kasich both have functioning brains...they do not belong in the Republican Party. They should be Independents or (stretching it a bit) Democrats.

Keep working at making your party a taller pile of shit...so that everyone can see it (and smell it) even from a distance.

What a sad bunch of Trump's Chumps. Throwing their party under the bus for an incompetent, ignorant, classless boor.

Except for the price we are all going to pay because of the abomination's "administration"...it would be funny.


they wont make good Democratic party members

they still believe in the short bus school of economics
they're conditioned to think that way, by tptb.

by whom idiot

the people agree on the Democratic party platform

the other parties are jokes or lie filled opportunists

we used to have two major parties who based their ideas on facts and tried to out think each other with great ideas for our Democracy

then your republican party sold out to the wealthy

and this is the result of that evil decision

you stabbed your self to death
by whom idiot

the people agree on the Democratic party platform

the other parties are jokes or lie filled opportunists

we used to have two major parties who based their ideas on facts and tried to out think each other with great ideas for our Democracy

then your republican party sold out to the wealthy

and this is the result of that evil decision

you stabbed your self to death

hey idiot, the wealthy want to glut the labor market and drive down wages with unlimited immigration.

ivory liquid? You're soaking it.

Alfred E. Neuman would get a prime time show of his own if he switches parties:

With a 2020 challenge to President Trump still a possibility, outgoing Ohio Gov. John Kasich is bidding for a post with a major cable TV network.

CNBC reported Kasich, a Republican who has distanced himself from the president, “has signaled to close advisers and some donors that he is looking to sign with either CNN or MSNBC as he finishes his two-term tenure as Ohio’s governor, according to three people with knowledge of the conversations, including two who have been close to the governor since his 2016 presidential run.”

The report noted he had a show on the Fox News Channel nearly two decades ago.

A spokesman for the governor, described by CNBC as “one of the most vocal Republican critics of President Donald Trump,” wouldn’t deny those plans.

“Any announcement about a TV contract would have no bearing on his 2020 intentions,” spokesman Chris Schrimpf told CNBC in an email. “All options are still on the table.”

There was no comment from either broadcast organization.

CNBC reported Charlie Black, a former adviser to Kasich’s 2016 presidential campaign, told CNBC in an email that he believes Kasich could still run for president, “but he’d have to distance himself from a career in television if he jumped into the race.”

Kasich has signed with United Talent Agency, according to the report.

Report: John Kasich looking to join CNN or MSNBC
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 01/14/2019 @ 5:16 pm
