Kassidi Kurill & Marvin Hagler


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A 39-year-old Utah mom died just four days after receiving her second dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, according to a Wednesday report that investigated vaccine side effects.

Kassidi Kurill, who lived in Ogden, took the second dose on Monday, Feb. 1. By Friday evening that week, she was dead, according to 2News, which was the first to report on Kurill’s case.

Utah mother dies four days after taking second COVID-19 vaccine dose
By Bradford Betz


Marvin Hagler will get more coverage than Kassidi Kurill because of his well-deserved fame:

Social media erupted, with one commenter stating: "Im proper gutted!! the Great Marvin Hagler dies after taking the vaccine! Please do your own research before making a decision on putting something in your body that has not been tested properly & we r being used as the guinea pigs & not told the #Truth about #vaccine."

Boxing legend suddenly dies shortly after getting vaccine
By Joe Kovacs
Published March 14, 2021 at 5:45pm


NOTE: Mervin Hagler was 66 years old. His untimely death should serve as a warning to everyone:

COVID-19 liars will claim they had to sacrifice thousands of elderly human guinea pigs for the greater good.

WARNING TO ELDERLY VETERANS: The Veterans Administration is pushing the COVID-19 vaccine.


Take a closer look at this statistic:

. . . 33 percent are smart enough to say NO. The refusal rate will jump to 100 percent when the content in vaccines —— and the LONG-TERM effects —— are known.


First note that the public will never be told what the government puts in vaccines.

Secondly, government priests rely on a very small number of vaccinated Americans dying or crippled. Reputable reports paint a different picture:

Over 900 Died After Receiving COVID-19 Vaccine, But Experts Say Data Is Misinterpreted
By Danielle Ong
03/01/21 AT 7:40 AM


Finally, not long ago the cause of every death was reported as a coronavirus death.

NOTE: There is no reliable proof that the coronavirus caused deaths being reported around the globe. Put it this way: A convicted murderer is hanged in Ulaanbaatar and his death is attributed to the coronavirus. A corpse is the only thing needed. Bottom line: A few million dollars out of billions will buy a lot of death certificates and government officials in foreign countries.


Elected officials and their media stooges lie about everything in this country to protect the TRILLIONS of tax dollars COVID-19 is bringing in with nary a peep out taxpayers frightened to death; so there is no reason the public should believe reports covering up any death that gets the slightly media coverage like Marvin Hagler and Kassidi Kurill.

“. . . Experts Say Data Is Misinterpreted”
A 39-year-old Utah mom died just four days after receiving her second dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, according to a Wednesday report that investigated vaccine side effects.

Kassidi Kurill, who lived in Ogden, took the second dose on Monday, Feb. 1. By Friday evening that week, she was dead, according to 2News, which was the first to report on Kurill’s case.

Utah mother dies four days after taking second COVID-19 vaccine dose
By Bradford Betz


Marvin Hagler will get more coverage than Kassidi Kurill because of his well-deserved fame:

Social media erupted, with one commenter stating: "Im proper gutted!! the Great Marvin Hagler dies after taking the vaccine! Please do your own research before making a decision on putting something in your body that has not been tested properly & we r being used as the guinea pigs & not told the #Truth about #vaccine."

Boxing legend suddenly dies shortly after getting vaccine
By Joe Kovacs
Published March 14, 2021 at 5:45pm


NOTE: Mervin Hagler was 66 years old. His untimely death should serve as a warning to everyone:

COVID-19 liars will claim they had to sacrifice thousands of elderly human guinea pigs for the greater good.

WARNING TO ELDERLY VETERANS: The Veterans Administration is pushing the COVID-19 vaccine.


Take a closer look at this statistic:

. . . 33 percent are smart enough to say NO. The refusal rate will jump to 100 percent when the content in vaccines —— and the LONG-TERM effects —— are known.


First note that the public will never be told what the government puts in vaccines.

Secondly, government priests rely on a very small number of vaccinated Americans dying or crippled. Reputable reports paint a different picture:

Over 900 Died After Receiving COVID-19 Vaccine, But Experts Say Data Is Misinterpreted
By Danielle Ong
03/01/21 AT 7:40 AM


Finally, not long ago the cause of every death was reported as a coronavirus death.

NOTE: There is no reliable proof that the coronavirus caused deaths being reported around the globe. Put it this way: A convicted murderer is hanged in Ulaanbaatar and his death is attributed to the coronavirus. A corpse is the only thing needed. Bottom line: A few million dollars out of billions will buy a lot of death certificates and government officials in foreign countries.


Elected officials and their media stooges lie about everything in this country to protect the TRILLIONS of tax dollars COVID-19 is bringing in with nary a peep out taxpayers frightened to death; so there is no reason the public should believe reports covering up any death that gets the slightly media coverage like Marvin Hagler and Kassidi Kurill.

“. . . Experts Say Data Is Misinterpreted”

While side effects from the vaccine are common, resulting deaths are incredibly rare. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.
While side effects from the vaccine are common, resulting deaths are incredibly rare. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.

To floridafan: The lucky guinea pigs got a placebo:

Some have posed the question as to whether or not some people were getting placebos. After all, the corporate media has gone out of their way to warn people that the side effects of these novel new experimental “vaccines” are very serious, especially after the second dose.

Leaked Pfizer Documents Reveal Only 55% of Some COVID Vaccine Samples had RNA Intact Prior to European Approval Exposing Huge Quality Control Issues
by Brian Shilhavy
March 14, 2021


Get back to me when the CDC hires a few civil servants like Dr Kelsey:

I want to go back 59 years for youngsters who do not know about thalidomide by comparing moneygrubbing filth like Fauci over at the CDC to Dr. Frances Oldham Kelsey:

To floridafan: The lucky guinea pigs got a placebo:

Some have posed the question as to whether or not some people were getting placebos. After all, the corporate media has gone out of their way to warn people that the side effects of these novel new experimental “vaccines” are very serious, especially after the second dose.

Leaked Pfizer Documents Reveal Only 55% of Some COVID Vaccine Samples had RNA Intact Prior to European Approval Exposing Huge Quality Control Issues
by Brian Shilhavy
March 14, 2021


Get back to me when the CDC hires a few civil servants like Dr Kelsey:

I want to go back 59 years for youngsters who do not know about thalidomide by comparing moneygrubbing filth like Fauci over at the CDC to Dr. Frances Oldham Kelsey:


You are confirming that Donald and his Operation Warp Speed have failed, like so many other things he attempted.
You are confirming that Donald and his Operation Warp Speed have failed, like so many other things he attempted.

To floridafan:
Asshole. Blaming Trump is another sneaky way of parasites telling the public to believe everything the government tells them about vaccines.



Incidentally, you better not be black if you believe anything the government says about COVID-19 vaccines in light of the Tuskegee Experiment. Black Americans should be wary of all vaccination programs coming from government bureaucrats.

The Tuskegee experiment began in 1932, at at a time when there was no known treatment for syphilis, a contagious venereal disease. After being recruited by the promise of free medical care, 600 African American men in Macon County, Alabama were enrolled in the project, which aimed to study the full progression of the disease.

The participants were primarily sharecroppers, and many had never before visited a doctor. Doctors from the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS), which was running the study, informed the participants—399 men with latent syphilis and a control group of 201 others who were free of the disease—they were being treated for bad blood, a term commonly used in the area at the time to refer to a variety of ailments.

The men were monitored by health workers but only given placebos such as aspirin and mineral supplements, despite the fact that penicillin became the recommended treatment for syphilis in 1947, some 15 years into the study. PHS researchers convinced local physicians in Macon County not to treat the participants, and instead research was done at the Tuskegee Institute. (Now called Tuskegee University, the school was founded in 1881 with Booker T. Washington at its first teacher.)

Updated: Dec 15, 2020
Original: May 16, 2017
Tuskegee Experiment: The Infamous Syphilis Study
Elizabeth Nix


To floridafan:
Asshole. Blaming Trump is another sneaky way of parasites telling the public to believe everything the government tells them about vaccines.

Incidentally, you better not be black if you believe anything the government says about COVID-19 vaccines in light of the Tuskegee Experiment. Black Americans should be wary of all vaccination programs coming from government bureaucrats.

The Tuskegee experiment began in 1932, at at a time when there was no known treatment for syphilis, a contagious venereal disease. After being recruited by the promise of free medical care, 600 African American men in Macon County, Alabama were enrolled in the project, which aimed to study the full progression of the disease.

The participants were primarily sharecroppers, and many had never before visited a doctor. Doctors from the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS), which was running the study, informed the participants—399 men with latent syphilis and a control group of 201 others who were free of the disease—they were being treated for bad blood, a term commonly used in the area at the time to refer to a variety of ailments.

The men were monitored by health workers but only given placebos such as aspirin and mineral supplements, despite the fact that penicillin became the recommended treatment for syphilis in 1947, some 15 years into the study. PHS researchers convinced local physicians in Macon County not to treat the participants, and instead research was done at the Tuskegee Institute. (Now called Tuskegee University, the school was founded in 1881 with Booker T. Washington at its first teacher.)

Updated: Dec 15, 2020
Original: May 16, 2017
Tuskegee Experiment: The Infamous Syphilis Study
Elizabeth Nix


Trump was in charge, he took full credit for Warp Speed. If it failed, he failed. Simple
Over 900 Died After Receiving COVID-19 Vaccine, But Experts Say Data Is Misinterpreted
By Danielle Ong

I assume that experts in Europe are also confused:

'Blood clots': Major European nations suspend COVID-19 vaccine
Art Moore By Art Moore
Published March 15, 2021 at 5:48pm


On Sunday, White House coronavirus adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci reacted to a recent NPR poll that showed 47% of Trump supporters are choosing not to get a COVID vaccine.

"Meet the Press" host Chuck Todd brought up the issue of "vaccine hesitancy," asking Fauci if Trump should be "enlisted" to "get his voters to take this vaccine."

"Chuck, I hope he does, because the numbers that you gave are so disturbing," Fauci said of the poll results. "How such a large proportion of a certain group of people would not want to make — would not want to get vaccinated merely because of political consideration. It makes absolutely no sense."

Fauci said "political persuasion" needs to be disconnected "from what’s common sense, no-brainer public health things."

"The history of vaccinology has rescued us from smallpox, from polio, from measles, from all of the other diseases.

What is the problem here?" he asked.

Fauci is the problem.

There is a vast difference between legitimate civil servants and hustlers who do what they do for money and nothing else.

Millions of people have been very recently inoculated.
Looking at ANY sample size of millions, what are the odds that some of them would die?
Millions of people have been very recently inoculated.
Looking at ANY sample size of millions, what are the odds that some of them would die?

To NiftyNiblick: The odds of every individual surviving are prohibitive after you examine the political agenda driving coronavirus vaccines.

Secondly, government priests rely on a very small number of vaccinated Americans dying or crippled.

Bottom line: One death in a trillion is too high of a price to pay the Parasite Class for their pandemic fraud.

p.s. Democrats never stop crying crocodile tears when a convicted murderer gets the death penalty, while the COVID-19 vaccine scam adds a new group of victims to the Democrat Party’s Culture of Death. This should be a campaign button for every Democrat:

Flanders, heretofore Mr. Poppy, should be cooking poppy product in a spoon and injecting it into his veins.

Heroin is at least natural. It would be actually healthier for Mr. Poppy.

That meth shit is really fucking him up.
COVID-19 liars will claim they had to sacrifice thousands of elderly human guinea pigs for the greater good.


Now the liars are sacrificing guinea piglets:

Moderna begins testing COVID-19 vaccine on babies
By Art Moore
Published March 17, 2021 at 7:30pm

I know Fauci made a small fortune using the power of government to force tens of millions of Americans to wear masks. Getting a buck for every mask manufactured and sold is big money.

I do not know how much Fauci raked in protecting Big Pharma selling HIV-AIDS treatments.


Fauci is the problem.

There is a vast difference between legitimate civil servants and hustlers who do what they do for money and nothing else.


The reason for all this fuss was that I was the first one in the national media to challenge the media-driven image of Dr. Anthony Fauci as a sage and a savior, a man whose commands to shut down the nation must be obeyed. You see, I had studied Fauci’s handling of AIDS starting almost 40 years ago, and I knew how he operated, and that he was far from politically neutral. The constant media adoration at the start of the “fifteen days to bend the curve” got to me, and I titled my article: “Anthony Fauci, the NIH's face of the coronavirus, is a Deep-State Hillary Clinton–loving stooge.

March 21, 2021
Fauci’s Fall from Grace Began a Year Ago Today
By Peter Barry Chowka



Throughout Peter Chowka’s 40 years Fauci operated under every one of these presidents:

Republican Ronald Reagan
Republican Bush the Elder
Democrat Bill Clinton
Republican Bush the Younger
Democrat Obama
Republican DonaldTrump
Democrat Biden

It was said that every president was afraid of J. Edgar Hoover:

Parenthetically, J. Edgar Hoover (1895 - 1972) never did, or said, anything to harm the American people. Presidents were afraid of him because he kept the crooks, the perverts, and the Communists in line. (Compare Hoover to FBI directors since Hoover died.)


Hours after Hoover died the swamp creatures confiscated his files never to be seen again. Immediately after Hoover’s files were destroyed the FBI want downhill, while traitors, crooks, perverts, and Communists took off like a skyrocket.

QUESTION: What will happen to Fauci’s files after he croaks?