Kavanaugh is a flat-earth moron, not qualified to be a middle school science teacher


Verified User
Kavanaugh reminded the country just how extremist his views on reproductive rights are during the third day of his Senate confirmation hearing on Capitol Hill. When answering a question from Texas Sen. Ted Cruz about whether employers should provide their employees with insurance coverage for contraceptives, Kavanaugh made the eye-popping admission that he thinks birth control induces abortion. “In that case, they said filling out the form would make them complicit in the provision of the abortion-inducing drugs that they were, as a religious matter, objected to,” Kavanaugh said.

I should think it obvious that if he is talking about abortion inducing drugs, they would in fact induce an abortion........drugs which did not induce abortions would not be abortion inducing drugs........apparently you are in need of a middle school teacher.......
I should think it obvious that if he is talking about abortion inducing drugs, they would in fact induce an abortion........drugs which did not induce abortions would not be abortion inducing drugs........apparently you are in need of a middle school teacher.......

Obviously you need help with reading comprehension as your "embellished" version is NOT what he said. What he said is what he said. The guy will never be on the SCOTUS. He's toast.
Kavanaugh reminded the country just how extremist his views on reproductive rights are during the third day of his Senate confirmation hearing on Capitol Hill. When answering a question from Texas Sen. Ted Cruz about whether employers should provide their employees with insurance coverage for contraceptives, Kavanaugh made the eye-popping admission that he thinks birth control induces abortion. “In that case, they said filling out the form would make them complicit in the provision of the abortion-inducing drugs that they were, as a religious matter, objected to,” Kavanaugh said.


Kavanaugh: One more step on the road to creating the cherished American Theocracy dreamed of by the Dominionists. And this is why they and their brethren the Evangelicals voted for Trump and continue to support him despite the fact that Trumpty-Dumpty has broken almost every one of the commandments.
Kavanaugh reminded the country just how extremist his views on reproductive rights are during the third day of his Senate confirmation hearing on Capitol Hill. When answering a question from Texas Sen. Ted Cruz about whether employers should provide their employees with insurance coverage for contraceptives, Kavanaugh made the eye-popping admission that he thinks birth control induces abortion. “In that case, they said filling out the form would make them complicit in the provision of the abortion-inducing drugs that they were, as a religious matter, objected to,” Kavanaugh said.


he is a rosary swinging statue bower
Kavanaugh reminded the country just how extremist his views on reproductive rights are during the third day of his Senate confirmation hearing on Capitol Hill. When answering a question from Texas Sen. Ted Cruz about whether employers should provide their employees with insurance coverage for contraceptives, Kavanaugh made the eye-popping admission that he thinks birth control induces abortion. “In that case, they said filling out the form would make them complicit in the provision of the abortion-inducing drugs that they were, as a religious matter, objected to,” Kavanaugh said.


Unlike many of the rest of this patriarchal white nationalist cabal, this one doesn't lie well.
The Repubs have the votes. Kavanaugh is showing he is a big fat liar . The Repubs do not care. He talked to trumps people and probably promised not to allow subpoenas to get served to Daffy. He lied about recognizing the precedence of Roe too. He will throw it out as soon as he can. He is showing himself to be as bad as the left thought he might be.
Kavanaugh reminded the country just how extremist his views on reproductive rights are during the third day of his Senate confirmation hearing on Capitol Hill. When answering a question from Texas Sen. Ted Cruz about whether employers should provide their employees with insurance coverage for contraceptives, Kavanaugh made the eye-popping admission that he thinks birth control induces abortion. “In that case, they said filling out the form would make them complicit in the provision of the abortion-inducing drugs that they were, as a religious matter, objected to,” Kavanaugh said.


To bad for you INTELELCTUALS who will have to live by the decisions of this moron. :laugh: See what happens when you venture out into the REAL WORLD instead of hiding behind TENURE at some lame ass school of academia? Those that CAN....do, those that can't...attempt to teach while telling everyone HOW SMART THEY ARE. ;) Ever notice that anyone that is actually smart....never has to tell anyone how smart they are or how stupid others might be in comparison? Looks to me like.....if you leftists were actually that smart, you would be worshiping at the alter of Queen Hillary as we speak instead of looking for Waldo (Russian) behind every bush. Here's Ivan, nope, not there, there goes Ivan.....nope he wasn't there, but we will find him...……..:palm: You do comprehend the fact that it was under the Obama Administration that IVAN was supposed to have committed all these great crimes of collusion and treason? What did Obama Say about Ivan when warned? "The 50s called and wants your foreign policy back"...the cold war is over, Russia is not a threat. "Whisper, whisper......Tell Vlad that I will have more flexibility after the election...….."

Believe it or not. Elections do have consequences. Just EAT IT.
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Kavanaugh reminded the country just how extremist his views on reproductive rights are during the third day of his Senate confirmation hearing on Capitol Hill. When answering a question from Texas Sen. Ted Cruz about whether employers should provide their employees with insurance coverage for contraceptives, Kavanaugh made the eye-popping admission that he thinks birth control induces abortion. “In that case, they said filling out the form would make them complicit in the provision of the abortion-inducing drugs that they were, as a religious matter, objected to,” Kavanaugh said.


Yeah, so? Birth control drugs do induce abortions. What are you, a science denier?
I should think it obvious that if he is talking about abortion inducing drugs, they would in fact induce an abortion........drugs which did not induce abortions would not be abortion inducing drugs........apparently you are in need of a middle school teacher.......

What difference does it make? Regular contraceptive drugs can prevent a fertilized egg from implanting itself in the uterine wall. That is an abortion, period, end of story.
prevent them. Stop gestation.

Birth control might stop....the gestation (growth) but that begs to ask the question, stop what from growing if not life? Why stop something that does not exist? In any case birth control drugs do not stop the 1st amendment from existing in the form of the "free exercise clause", i.e., "......congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion "OR"......PROHIBITING THE FREE EXERCISE THEREOF." In this republic the people have freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.

Count on it.....taxpayers monies will shortly cease any funding of abortion on demand, the first case the conservative packed SCOTUS decides to hear in relation to such a circumstance. FYI: Contraception is not a HUMAN RIGHT, as life is not threatened if the use of contraceptives are denied. Its not like denying any life sustaining service, its a matter of personal choice. The best contraceptive is abstinence, stop spreading your legs.....its a CHOICE not a right. Sex is not mandatory for the continued life of any individual. When was the last example of anyone dying from "Blue
Balls"? In the inverse.....you hear about people dying everyday as a consequential effect of having sex and spreading disease. Condoms are cheap.

You have the individual right to engage in any type of sex you might prefer.....but you do not have the right to demand your neighbor pay for lack of responsibility in consideration of the consequences of your free will choices. Its you bed.....make it yourself, do not demand the taxpayers to be your personal slave.
Kavanaugh: One more step on the road to creating the cherished American Theocracy dreamed of by the Dominionists. And this is why they and their brethren the Evangelicals voted for Trump and continue to support him despite the fact that Trumpty-Dumpty has broken almost every one of the commandments.

Finally catching on are ya?

I will never regret voting for Trump. The more the Deep State attacks him, the more they validate what I did

Liberals haven’t laid a glove on Kavanaugh. He has made them look foolish

Say it with me

Justice Kavanaugh
Obviously you need help with reading comprehension as your "embellished" version is NOT what he said. What he said is what he said. The guy will never be on the SCOTUS. He's toast.

from your OP, he was specifically talking about abortion inducing drugs.....the fact you choose to ignore that and pretend he considered all birth control to be abortion inducing drugs merely demonstrates you an extremely partisan lib'rul cunt along the lines of the idiots who thanked your post........
The Repubs have the votes. Kavanaugh is showing he is a big fat liar . The Repubs do not care. He talked to trumps people and probably promised not to allow subpoenas to get served to Daffy. He lied about recognizing the precedence of Roe too. He will throw it out as soon as he can. He is showing himself to be as bad as the left thought he might be.

lib'ruls are such sad little puppies.......
They prevent an egg from being fertilized? Do you have more information on this?
If taken within 72 hours...can temp stop the release of an egg, prevent a fertilized egg from attaching, or prevent fertilization to begin to begin with...that's from the Plan B/Web MD site...