Kavanaugh's all female team


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All of Kavanaugh's law clerks are females.

For all nine Supreme Court justices combined, 90% of their law clerks are females and Jews (Christ killers). No Christian justices (not Protestant, anyway), no Christian law clerks (that I can detect).

The Supreme Court is the de facto supreme branch of government. This nation is controlled by females and Jews.
Word is Kav hired much on looks. He judges people like Trump does. He wants people who look like a movie would depict them. The old Central Casting Trump talks about. What shallow fucks they are.
All of Kavanaugh's law clerks are females.

For all nine Supreme Court justices combined, 90% of their law clerks are females and Jews (Christ killers). No Christian justices (not Protestant, anyway), no Christian law clerks (that I can detect).

The Supreme Court is the de facto supreme branch of government. This nation is controlled by females and Jews.

Some of them on the SCOTUS are female & Jewish..:whoa:

So what does boob think should be done about that??