Kavenaugh confirmation pool.....

During the confirmation process, this is a golden opportunity for conservative senators to highlight what the Supremes are actually supposed to do...
We need to have an 8th grade requirement reinstituted in public school, that you must pass a US Constitution exam before you can advance into high school.

The fucking dopiest comments that liberals espouse about SCOTUS, and how our government works, is, in my opinion, proof we have failed to educate our own citizens.
The most disgustingly ignorant cretins in all of America will continue to be over-represented in the United States Supreme Court.

For every profoundly decent, thoughtful justice like Ruth Bader Ginsburg, they'll be two despicable buffoons like the pathetic Uncle Tom, Clarence Thomas.

Even if we more moral and wise progressive liberals assume control of the government's other two branches, the judicial branch will continue to cripple America's chance to reach her once glorious potential.

We're screwed. Too many Americans deserve it, but many of us don't.
The most disgustingly ignorant cretins in all of America will continue to be over-represented in the United States Supreme Court.

For every profoundly decent, thoughtful justice like Ruth Bader Ginsburg,

that's ^^^^ sarcasm , right?

Everything Trump does is by design, and so too is the timing of the nomination process, let the Democrats make obstructionist fools of themselves by asking the same stupid questions over and over of this guy, then McConell steps in and calls for an up and down vote right at election time, forcing Democrats Manchin, Heitkamp and Joe Donnelly to chose between either confirming or looking for a job.

the smart thing for Democrats to do is confirm this guy right away and put this thing way back in the rear view mirror going into November.
But something tells me smart and Democrat are not in the same book these days.
The most disgustingly ignorant cretins in all of America will continue to be over-represented in the United States Supreme Court.

For every profoundly decent, thoughtful justice like Ruth Bader Ginsburg, they'll be two despicable buffoons like the pathetic Uncle Tom, Clarence Thomas.

Even if we more moral and wise progressive liberals assume control of the government's other two branches, the judicial branch will continue to cripple America's chance to reach her once glorious potential.

We're screwed. Too many Americans deserve it, but many of us don't.

Could you try to get some leftists to take to the airwaves with the Uncle Tom line? :cof1: