keep an eye outMaineman is in Connecticut

MIDDLETOWN, Conn. -- Middletown police are investigating an attempted abduction Thursday morning.

Officers responded to the intersection of Westfield Street and Westfield Terrace, where they said a man approached a 15-year-old girl while she waited at the bus stop.

The teen told police a man pulled up in a car and tried to coax her to get inside. When the teen refused, the suspect sped away
It wasn't me...I have been in the hospital being treated for a mild heart attack that I had on wednesday.

but thanks for the slander rob.
yeah.... a lot better than could be expected. I was extremely fortunate....

I had gone to the ER in the morning with chest pains...they couldn't find anything but decided to admit me over night and do a thalium stress tess the next morning.... my wife's an echocardiographer and the cardiologist from her clinic happened to be making rounds on my floor that afternoon and stopped by to see me when the pains just started to come back...he ordered an EKG stat.... said "you're about to have a heart attack, I am going to send you via ambulance to Portland and my partners will meet you in the OR there".... I had the MI in the ambulance about five minutes from the Portland hospital where they immediately did a cadiac catheterization, put in a stent and opened up my totally blocked right coronary artery.... no muscle damage.... heart seems to be working fine. Just lucky, I guess.

If I had gone to work that morning instead of going to the ER, my staff would have found me slumped over my desk in the afternoon.
If I had gone to work that morning instead of going to the ER, my staff would have found me slumped over my desk in the afternoon.

Well, I'm glad you're safe and sound. Its a good thing you went to the doctor when you first started to have chest pains. Your wife must have trained you well. Men tend to "tough it out" and not go to the doctor at the onset of such pains. Tell Mrs. Maineman, I said "Job well done" :clink:
yeah.... a lot better than could be expected. I was extremely fortunate....

I had gone to the ER in the morning with chest pains...they couldn't find anything but decided to admit me over night and do a thalium stress tess the next morning.... my wife's an echocardiographer and the cardiologist from her clinic happened to be making rounds on my floor that afternoon and stopped by to see me when the pains just started to come back...he ordered an EKG stat.... said "you're about to have a heart attack, I am going to send you via ambulance to Portland and my partners will meet you in the OR there".... I had the MI in the ambulance about five minutes from the Portland hospital where they immediately did a cadiac catheterization, put in a stent and opened up my totally blocked right coronary artery.... no muscle damage.... heart seems to be working fine. Just lucky, I guess.

If I had gone to work that morning instead of going to the ER, my staff would have found me slumped over my desk in the afternoon.

Glad to see you are alright Main.
Well, I'm glad you're safe and sound. Its a good thing you went to the doctor when you first started to have chest pains. Your wife must have trained you well. Men tend to "tough it out" and not go to the doctor at the onset of such pains. Tell Mrs. Maineman, I said "Job well done" :clink:

Yeah really. I was with a guy when he was having a heart attack once, and he tried telling me it was indigestion from the Chinese food he ate last night. So I said, oh really, what's your social security number? And he started babbling some nonsense. Then I felt his hand, it was ice cold. He had a bad family history and I knew he was having a heart attack. But he wouldn't have gone to the hospital if I hadn't been there.

Good thing Main got there quickly.
Glad you are ok Maineman. Avoid argueing with dixie if it stresses you out any. It is not worth it, life is too short.
Thank you all... I really DO appreciate your good wishes!

I dodged a bullet. If you are going to have a heart attack, the very best place to have it is in the ambulance mere minutes from the hospital where the operating suite is loaded with a top knotch cardiology team ready to fix the problem.

I intend to be around for a long time.
Well if you lived north of the border with universal healthcare that is "free" (as in the "free" kind of where you pay thousands more in taxes), you would probably be dead with their wait times for heart surgery.

You really should be praising a capitalistic healthcare system which although not cheap is quick-responding and technically proficient. Something to think about I hope for the lefties on here....

And you might not believe it, I'm glad you're alive.
Well if you lived north of the border with universal healthcare that is "free" (as in the "free" kind of where you pay thousands more in taxes), you would probably be dead with their wait times for heart surgery.

You really should be praising a capitalistic healthcare system which although not cheap is quick-responding and technically proficient. Something to think about I hope for the lefties on here....

And you might not believe it, I'm glad you're alive.

your article does not mention any statistics regarding emergency care. Are you suggesting that Canadians who go to the emergency rooms have to wait months to be seen?

My care was prompt, but was all started by a visit to the emergency room which prompted emergency care.

I have seen no statistics to indicate that canadians have lesser quality emergcy care. If you have such info, you should provide it.

And regarding your "good wishes", do you think for a moment that you have given me any reason whatsoever in our past dealings - which include a variety of things we won't mention, but certainly threats to ruin my career, which I will mention - that would give me cause to believe you?
yeah.... a lot better than could be expected. I was extremely fortunate....

I had gone to the ER in the morning with chest pains...they couldn't find anything but decided to admit me over night and do a thalium stress tess the next morning.... my wife's an echocardiographer and the cardiologist from her clinic happened to be making rounds on my floor that afternoon and stopped by to see me when the pains just started to come back...he ordered an EKG stat.... said "you're about to have a heart attack, I am going to send you via ambulance to Portland and my partners will meet you in the OR there".... I had the MI in the ambulance about five minutes from the Portland hospital where they immediately did a cadiac catheterization, put in a stent and opened up my totally blocked right coronary artery.... no muscle damage.... heart seems to be working fine. Just lucky, I guess.

If I had gone to work that morning instead of going to the ER, my staff would have found me slumped over my desk in the afternoon.

I'm glad there was a good outcome.
Well if you lived north of the border with universal healthcare that is "free" (as in the "free" kind of where you pay thousands more in taxes), you would probably be dead with their wait times for heart surgery.

You really should be praising a capitalistic healthcare system which although not cheap is quick-responding and technically proficient. Something to think about I hope for the lefties on here....

And you might not believe it, I'm glad you're alive.

Hmm, I wonder how the places with govt health care compare to the USA on life expectancy ?