Keep Praying


New member
If you believe that voter fraud occurred during this election, keep praying and have faith. I know that it looks hopeless, but God has performed miracles before and he'll keep performing miracles. Pray for a miracle and have faith. It's not over until the 20th.
If you believe that voter fraud occurred during this election, keep praying and have faith. I know that it looks hopeless, but God has performed miracles before and he'll keep performing miracles. Pray for a miracle and have faith. It's not over until the 20th.

I pray you one day learn to tie your own shoes and count to five without any help, dumbfuck fake christian asshole.
If you believe that voter fraud occurred during this election, keep praying and have faith. I know that it looks hopeless, but God has performed miracles before and he'll keep performing miracles. Pray for a miracle and have faith. It's not over until the 20th.
God doesn't reward criminals, thieves and liars. Just so you know, Randy.

You'd be better off praying your wife isn't banging the gardener. ;)
I'm perfectly fine letting democrats run things for a bit.

It will be fun to attack them for a change.
If you believe that voter fraud occurred during this election, keep praying and have faith. I know that it looks hopeless, but God has performed miracles before and he'll keep performing miracles. Pray for a miracle and have faith. It's not over until the 20th.

I think you need to accept that biden will be president. He will do significant damage I think but even he can't destroy America.
If you believe that voter fraud occurred during this election, keep praying and have faith. I know that it looks hopeless, but God has performed miracles before and he'll keep performing miracles.

Pray for a miracle and have faith. It's not over until the 20th.
You should introduce yourself to our preeminent Kraken conspiracy theorist, Stretch. You all have a lot in common.
You should introduce yourself to our preeminent Kraken conspiracy theorist, Stretch. You all have a lot in common.

I'm guessing "71" is his age, not his IQ. Like most Trump fans, or any political fanatic, his mind is going.

Sad, but our nation needs a better mental health care system.
God doesn't reward criminals, thieves and liars. Just so you know, Randy.

You'd be better off praying your wife isn't banging the gardener. ;)

Actually, it appears he does. Trump is proof of that. So are a large part of corporate leaders and Repub politicians. Seems to have worked for the my pillow guy.
Hello Randyjohnson71,

If you believe that voter fraud occurred during this election, keep praying and have faith. I know that it looks hopeless, but God has performed miracles before and he'll keep performing miracles. Pray for a miracle and have faith. It's not over until the 20th.

You're entitled to your beliefs.

Biden won the election. There is no widespread fraud in any significant amount enough to change the outcome of the election. The results have been observed, questioned, examined, recounted several times in several States, and certified official and legitimate. Nothing is going to change the outcome of the election.

America voted to get rid of Trump and make Biden the new president.

It is what the people wanted.

Religion/faith has zero to do with it.

And that is as it should be.

There is very good reason for keeping religion out of government.

Everybody in America shares this government, but we do not all share the same religion.

Religion is a personal choice.

As it should be.
Actually, it appears he does. Trump is proof of that. So are a large part of corporate leaders and Repub politicians. Seems to have worked for the my pillow guy.

You think being marked forever in the records books as a disgrace and possible traitor is a "reward"? Isn't that a pretty low bar to be setting for yourself? ;)
If you believe that voter fraud occurred during this election, keep praying and have faith. I know that it looks hopeless, but God has performed miracles before and he'll keep performing miracles. Pray for a miracle and have faith. It's not over until the 20th.

Err... excuse me. Why do you think that Biden won? God, of course! She wants this nation to continue so that we can either be a laughing stock and horrible example to the rest of the world -- or we can get back to being that shining example of freedom thing. She leaves it up to us to choose.

I don't think your god is the same one the rest of the world likes.