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Is moronic.
Burglary is a nonviolent offense. Ever had your house broken into? I bet you'd want the scumbag that did it punished.
Illegal firearms possession, nonviolent offense. You lefties want the government to confiscate everyone's guns, but never want existing gun laws to be enforced.
Embezzlement, nonviolent offense. Would anyone argue that someone who embezzled tens of thousands of dollars from a charity or school shouldn't go to prison?
Tax fraud, nonviolent offense. People need to pay their "fair share", right?
Grand Theft Auto (the crime, not the video game), nonviolent offense. Let's allow scumbags to steal people's cars with no penalty or deterrence. Ever have your car stolen? I bet you'd want the punk who made you miss work punished.
There are countless examples of nonviolent offenses. The idea that the crooks who do those things shouldn't be punished is complete horse manure!
Burglary is a nonviolent offense. Ever had your house broken into? I bet you'd want the scumbag that did it punished.
Illegal firearms possession, nonviolent offense. You lefties want the government to confiscate everyone's guns, but never want existing gun laws to be enforced.
Embezzlement, nonviolent offense. Would anyone argue that someone who embezzled tens of thousands of dollars from a charity or school shouldn't go to prison?
Tax fraud, nonviolent offense. People need to pay their "fair share", right?
Grand Theft Auto (the crime, not the video game), nonviolent offense. Let's allow scumbags to steal people's cars with no penalty or deterrence. Ever have your car stolen? I bet you'd want the punk who made you miss work punished.
There are countless examples of nonviolent offenses. The idea that the crooks who do those things shouldn't be punished is complete horse manure!