Kid demonstrates English language in 24 accents

It is impossible for an Englishman to open his mouth without making some other Englishman despise him.

Don't you ever tire of being so juvenile? How about answering a direct question, are you yet another manifestation of the Legion troll?
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Anyone care to say whether the US accents sound authentic or not?
The "General American" accent is sound though to be more accurate it's a midwestern accent. His accent is very much like mine. The New York, Italian accent is straight out of the movies...forget about it. The southern redneck wouldn't fool anyone in the south. In the south east the accent would have a pronounced drawl and would be spoken at a slower pace. In the south central US it would have a more pronounced nasal twang. If he had spoke more through his nose he would have been spot on with a south central red neck accent you might hear in Arkansas or southern Missourri, or western Tennessee.

The kid should get an agent and move to Hollywood. Bet he could get a lot of jobs doing voice overs for movies and tv. It's great work if you can get it. The money is good, the work reliable and you only work about 25 hours a week.