Kill all the poor

No wonder shitty mod didn't change this thread title.

Sick fuck

Yeah you Billy, what a paragon of humanity. It quite honestly amazes me how someone like Damocles and Grind allow a lowlife POS like you to moderate this board.
No wonder shitty mod didn't change this thread title.

Sick fuck

Yeah you Billy, what a paragon of humanity. It quite honestly amazes me how someone like Damocles and Grind allow a lowlife POS like you to moderate this board.

shut up JD.....
No wonder shitty mod didn't change this thread title.

Sick fuck

Yeah you Billy, what a paragon of humanity. It quite honestly amazes me how someone like Damocles and Grind allow a lowlife POS like you to moderate this board.

the fuck you talking about? I love killing the poor.

also I posted this video before watermark. Just saying.
No wonder shitty mod didn't change this thread title.

Sick fuck

Yeah you Billy, what a paragon of humanity. It quite honestly amazes me how someone like Damocles and Grind allow a lowlife POS like you to moderate this board.

It's in the proper forum, why would I change the title?
Hebrews 4:12

For the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart"
I've been corrected, kill all the poor is a great idea!

Thank you Billy, you're such a swell guy!
Billy would have made a great watchtower guard at Auschwitz. Free ammunition and a target rich environment.

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I actually like Billy. He is one of the few people that I can get into a pissing match with, where I usually say mean things and then he and I can be chill the next day. Anyone who can do that is alright in my book.

Though, I disagree strongly with some of the things he says, I think though, much is hyperbole.