Kill Yourself


Loves Me Some Souls
I read something 10 minutes ago that is the truth...both Parties suck donkey balls.

We all know they do, why do we keep taking sides? They do both suck donkey balls.

Why do we do this?
its hard to process that you have been so wrong all your life huh

just give into the cleansing facts.

accept REALITY

you got conned

the only thing worse than getting conned is to be so head fucked you keep pretending you weren't wrong and helplessly defend fucking lies

there is a way out of this for you

Its called facing you have been wrong and walk the path of FACTS.

you will feel real joy after you actually do it

it takes some real humanity

do you have it?
and you need to face that those who do back the democratic party platform are thinking for themselves

the facts are NOT automatically in the middle dude

I follow the facts and the Democratic party respects them

being out of the mainstream is not a badge of courage

it merely means you don't agree.

I bet I could use facts to prove it to you

want to have a thread where only me and you discuss it ?

where we ignore every other posters comments and respond only to each other

NO ONE banned

everyone can post

but me and you manually vow to only answer each other

we can quote others to each other but have to vow that every post we make is only in response to each other.

again you can quote another posters response to discuss it jwith each other

as in (you quote another poster) to say something like "see how these lies effect the thinking of said poster and why the platform and facts would not support this thinking"

get it

can you follow such rules manually ?

I can

want to try?
I read something 10 minutes ago that is the truth...both Parties suck donkey balls.

We all know they do, why do we keep taking sides? They do both suck donkey balls.

Why do we do this?

Because that's how politics work. They do not have sides in North Korea or Saudi Arabia, for instance.
I read something 10 minutes ago that is the truth...both Parties suck donkey balls.

We all know they do, why do we keep taking sides? They do both suck donkey balls.

Why do we do this?

What does this have to do with you killing yourself? Get on with it already!! :laugh:
I read something 10 minutes ago that is the truth...both Parties suck donkey balls.

We all know they do, why do we keep taking sides? They do both suck donkey balls.

Why do we do this?

"WE" don't do this. It is evolutionary. It is the nature of politics.

BUT, your premise is false in that there are numerous political parties in this country. Many of which were on ballots.

The fact remains that voters gravitate to those parties that best represent their views, knowing than NONE will align perfectly, and have the power to get things done.

The libertarian party is alive and well; and lunatic in most cases.

The Green party is alive and well; and lunatic in most cases.

The Constitution Party is alive and well; and relatively irrelevant.
I have deal killers with both parties, I have to think for myself. Try it sometime.

and you need to face that those who do back the democratic party platform are thinking for themselves

the facts are NOT automatically in the middle dude

I follow the facts and the Democratic party respects them

being out of the mainstream is not a badge of courage

it merely means you don't agree.

I bet I could use facts to prove it to you

want to have a thread where only me and you discuss it ?

where we ignore every other posters comments and respond only to each other

NO ONE banned

everyone can post

but me and you manually vow to only answer each other

we can quote others to each other but have to vow that every post we make is only in response to each other.

again you can quote another posters response to discuss it jwith each other

as in (you quote another poster) to say something like "see how these lies effect the thinking of said poster and why the platform and facts would not support this thinking"

get it

can you follow such rules manually ?

I can

want to try?

how many of you could do this manually?

I can

I have done things like this before

promised for a whole year not to use invective

just as an experiment in civility

then I did it

it in no way effected how the right responded to me

they were just as ass hatted as ever
how many of you could do this manually?

I can

I have done things like this before

promised for a whole year not to use invective

just as an experiment in civility

then I did it

it in no way effected how the right responded to me

they were just as ass hatted as ever
