Killer whale vs. sharks

love this kind of stuff. thanks

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Yea I saw a NG Show in which an Orca made short work of a Great White Shark and didn't even break a sweat doing it. He just grabbed the 17ft great white and rag dolled it like a dog does a rat and it was over with just as quickly. Guess Great Whites aren't an apex predator after all. I mean it was amazing. This wasn't a small shark like Yurts video but a full grown Great White Shark weighing well over a ton and the Orca shook it so hard that he broke the Great White Shark in two.

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Yea I saw a NG Show in which an Orca made short work of a Great White Shark and didn't even break a sweat doing it. He just grabbed the 17ft great white and rag dolled it like a dog does a rat and it was over with just as quickly. Guess Great Whites aren't an apex predator after all.

I saw that. And yeah, the Orcas are the top predators in the oceans. Sharks don't stand a chance against a single orca, much less a pod of them.
I saw that. And yeah, the Orcas are the top predators in the oceans. Sharks don't stand a chance against a single orca, much less a pod of them.
I don't think much of the ocean is unexplored....there could be something out there that could take out an Orca, besides man. I know that Sperm Whales are known as the worlds largest carnivore and they have been witnessed attacking Orca's. Don't know if there's any record of them killing an Orca but it's not to hard to imagine that a bull Sperm Whale would make short work of an Orca.
I don't think much of the ocean is unexplored....there could be something out there that could take out an Orca, besides man. I know that Sperm Whales are known as the worlds largest carnivore and they have been witnessed attacking Orca's. Don't know if there's any record of them killing an Orca but it's not to hard to imagine that a bull Sperm Whale would make short work of an Orca.

You have a point there. I guess I was just thinking of the way orcas are potent predators when alone and even better when acting in a group. Their intellect is obvious in their pack hunting tactics.
You have a point there. I guess I was just thinking of the way orcas are potent predators when alone and even better when acting in a group. Their intellect is obvious in their pack hunting tactics.
I would still classify them as apex predators and a pack of them could definately take on and kill a much larger whale......but the one whale I'm betting they wouldn't mess with, even in a pack, is a mature bull Sperm Wale.

Amazing animals Orcas. Are you aware that Orca's/whales and one other animal species have the same brain size to body mass as humans?
I don't think much of the ocean is unexplored....there could be something out there that could take out an Orca, besides man. I know that Sperm Whales are known as the worlds largest carnivore and they have been witnessed attacking Orca's. Don't know if there's any record of them killing an Orca but it's not to hard to imagine that a bull Sperm Whale would make short work of an Orca.

They've been known to clash on rare occasions, usually ending in stalemate.
I would still classify them as apex predators and a pack of them could definately take on and kill a much larger whale......but the one whale I'm betting they wouldn't mess with, even in a pack, is a mature bull Sperm Wale.

Amazing animals Orcas. Are you aware that Orca's/whales and one other animal species have the same brain size to body mass as humans?

They're also the only animal (along with their cousins the dolphins) that kill for the fun of it.
They're also the only animal (along with their cousins the dolphins) that kill for the fun of it.
That's not true. I've watched cats and dogs both kill for fun. One of my rat terriors favorite things to do is to go kill rats in my uncles barn. She aint killing for dinner....that's for sure.
They're also the only animal (along with their cousins the dolphins) that kill for the fun of it.

What? Dogs, cats, weasels, ferrets, and even some primates have been known to kill "for fun". Of course, trying to apply motivations to the actions of animals is always risky.
What? Dogs, cats, weasels, ferrets, and even some primates have been known to kill "for fun". Of course, trying to apply motivations to the actions of animals is always risky.
Anyone who tries to anthropormorphise an animal is a fool. They have their own nature. My wife can't undestand why our dog likes me better then her. She spoils it, treats it like her baby, gives her treats and plays with her like her psuedo child....and the dog still likes me better. Why? Cause I know she's a dog and dogs like rolling in cow shit and killing rats and pissing on trees. So I take the dog out to roll in cow shit, kill rats and to pee on trees....cause I understand that's the dogs nature. End result, dog likes me better. lol