Kim is playing 4 Dimensional Chess '.... Trump still learning how to play Checkers


In Yo Face!
That letter Trump dictated might as well have been written in crayon. Completely bizzare and barely articulate.

Trump is the only American president in history that could make Kim Jong look even remotely reasonable.

If this was part of a North Korean plot to discredit America, divide us from our allies, and give of a whiff of perception that NoKo was being reasonable and seeking diplomatic solutions, the scheme played out almost to perfection. NoKo can plausibly claim they tried diplomacy, but in the view of Trump's threat to wipe them out and kill their leaders (Bolton's Libya model) - they might feel they can plausibly claim they have a right and a need for nukes.

In short, our Orange Pig may have gotten his ass handed to him.
That's about it. It's a little depressing how this Ant Person and his Ant Kingdom have put us in this situation. I blame past Administrations and our divided partisan Government for where we're at.
At least Trump is confronting it head on instead of putting his head in the sand.
Anybody think at this stage of the Game we still have a 'military option'?
That letter Trump dictated might as well have been written in crayon. Completely bizzare and barely articulate.

Trump is the only American president in history that could make Kim Jong look even remotely reasonable.

If this was part of a North Korean plot to discredit America, divide us from our allies, and give of a whiff of perception that NoKo was being reasonable and seeking diplomatic solutions, the scheme played out almost to perfection. NoKo can plausibly claim they tried diplomacy, but in the view of Trump's threat to wipe them out and kill their leaders (Bolton's Libya model) - they might feel they can plausibly claim they have a right and a need for nukes.

In short, our Orange Pig may have gotten his ass handed to him.

The 'Bolton Blunder' is the OMLY excuse any country in the world needs to use to claim need of nuclear weapons.
Right now Iran is on the phone with Kim asking about a nuclear weapons contract. NK doesn't have much to sell, but they do have nukes and can make them.
Course, after Iran gets a few, Saudi will want it's fair share from Pakistan.
Looks like Pandora's Box is wide open.
kim and Moon just has another meeting. guess who was not invited. They actually want to accomplish something. They know Trump would make it about Trump.