Kimmel Eats Crow...Urges Everyone To Sign Up For Trumpcare

Now that the republicans and Trump have done ALL they could do to change Obamacare into Trumpcare, the law has been perfected.
Trump has made healthcare GREAT again...
Enroll TODAY!!!

Now that the republicans and Trump have done ALL they could do to change Obamacare into Trumpcare, the law has been perfected.
Trump has made healthcare GREAT again...
Enroll TODAY!!!

Enrollment is breaking records. The only problem is that insurers are required by law to offer subsidies/tax credits to low income people who sign up on the exchange. trump cut all funding to reimburse the insurance companies, no doubt because he doesn't understand the law.

So unless Congress replaces the cost sharing, insurers are going to go under next year.

trump has essentially ushered in single payer without even knowing it.