King Abdullah is Darth Vader?

What did we tell you about opening the box? Damned mechanists can't abide ambiguity.

Ah, I forgot that I adopted the Schroedinger persona. I thought I was still simply "Hungry, Horny, Huge".

My cat is both alive and dead and everywhere in the box. I haven't observed him in a while, so he's in a superposition of states right now.

What do you think of the Copenhagen interpitation?
Ah, I forgot that I adopted the Schroedinger persona. I thought I was still simply "Hungry, Horny, Huge".

My cat is both alive and dead and everywhere in the box. I haven't observed him in a while, so he's in a superposition of states right now.

What do you think of the Copenhagen interpitation?
And if you had observed the cat, the wave would have collapsed and the surfing would suck.

As Shakespeare observed, never underestimate a Dane. Bohr may have been an ass but I certainly wouldn't want to try to argue with him.

Let's just say that I don't believe in determinism and leave it at that. I'm not going to pretend to mathematical expertise I don't have. ;)
And if you had observed the cat, the wave would have collapsed and the surfing would suck.

As Shakespeare observed, never underestimate a Dane. Bohr may have been an ass but I certainly wouldn't want to try to argue with him.

Let's just say that I don't believe in determinism and leave it at that. I'm not going to pretend to mathematical expertise I don't have. ;)

Bohr was certainly persistent, but he wasn't as great a scientist as he was a philosopher. He had subordinated do much of his heavy lifting. Not to diminish his abilities, he was certainly far more brilliant than most, but he was so much more conceptual and theoretical than a mathemetician could be that it seemed to many as if he was channeling "god", He knew how things worked, but had a poor ability (relatively speaking) at the communication end. In fact, many people thought he looked like a "blithering idiot" when he would speak.

But he certainly did prove his brilliance. It is the Copenhagen interpitation that for me shows that determinism is absolutely fallacious and that there is no certainty, no fundamental law that exists on the quantum scale that shows casualty to apply to the very small.

Check out "Uncertainty" by David Lindley. Great read on the personal aspects of the ne unsettling quantum theory and its reprecussions throughout the scientific community in the 1920's and 30's.