King Charles Why It's Come Time To Nullify First Nations Land Claim Treaties

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
Ok before we get to the foundation of the title mentioned claim, I see no evidence that those who call themselves First / Six Nations, Metis, Inuit did not immigrate to North America just like everyone else. Secondly by First Nations own submission ten or so years ago, there were eighteen million of First / Six Nations, Metis and Inuit when colonists / pioneers arrived whom were scarcely scattered throughout various parts of North America which is enough people to moderately populate an island the size of Cuba. So when settlers arrived there was enough First / Six Nations, Metis and Inuit populating 1% of the surface area of the entirety of North America scattered about which quite obviously is not enough people to validate so called claims that Canada or USA was stolen from them. They appear to claim such under the delusion as if there were ten thousand of them on every square kilometre of land of which all of these years later with more immigrants and procreation, there still aren't enough people in North America to go upon such pretence which reveals how greedy, selfish and ignorant such a statement is of them to claim that any such thing was ever stolen.

Why would I claim that it is time to nullify / rip up and void so called land claim treaties you wonder, well to my understanding due to the war of 1812 some land claims were offered in exchange for First / Six Nations etc. to stand with armed forces North of the Modern Canadian / USA border to prevent the USA from taking what we have come to know as Canada, a country thus a nation recognized by the world (of which there is no such valid thing as a nation within a nation) and in lieu of such I see no reason not to honour such land claim treaties but that is not where the First Nations etc. have dishonoured their end of other land claim treaties. Glad to see the monarchy of the time send the British army to help save us as well, an investment that made us what we are today. Where First / Six Nations etc. have nullified their end of many of the land claim agreements is the reason that other land claim treaties were created, and that reason was because First / Six Nations etc. wanted not anything to do with what they called white man's governing or way of life (which besides the point qualifies as racism against white people) so they could have land to chief themselves. So the Monarchy of the time granted them land claim treaties so they could chief themselves because they wanted nothing to do with our governing systems and way of life so we could all cohabitate in North America peacefully at the time.

Over the years the First / Six Nation etc. began to realize that their ancestors choosing to evade wanting anything to do with white mans governing and way of life left many of them envious of what people in Canadian civilizations accomplished and had compared what First / Six Nations had on their reserves while chiefing themselves. They had no running water before we got here and now that we do, suddenly their way of life isn't good enough for example. They could have chose to live like everyone else, paying taxes like everyone else on Canadian land like everyone else and played a very significant role in our governing systems while eventually reaping the benefits of governing services by paying taxes for those services when taxes were implemented like everyone else but those on so called reserves turned their backs on that long ago because they wanted land to chief themselves instead of white man's governing and way of life hence why land claim treaties were created.

Some of the so called First / Six Nations, Metis, Inuit people saw the benefits of living within so called white civilizations and were welcomed with open arms to join us and reap the benefits of paying taxes for governing services while also enjoying the benefits of sharing our so called white man's societies and I respect them for it and appreciate them contributing to our development as our Canadian culture flourished. They were welcome to run for office etc. and justly so as tax paying citizens which is not the violation or the problem we have here.

The problem is these days for example we have First / Six Nations etc. expecting to continue to keep living on reserves tax free while having tax payers fund them getting the governing services that tax payers get when tax payers get such services because tax payers pay taxes, of which any First / Six Nations etc. living on reserves that have gotten governing services, or the right to vote in Canadian elections along with even running in Canadian elections, or received tax payer funding have completely violated the very reason such land claim treaties were created in the first place thus nullifying and voiding such claims which is every valid reason to rip apart every single such so called land claim. They get the services and benefits so there is quite obviously no need for land claims when they have clearly abandoned the very reason that those land claim treaties were created in the first place.

So called First Nations have the nerve to claim such lies as they are being discriminated against to try and gain false sympathy to pull the wool over everyone's eyes and make foolish slaves out of Canadians by claiming that they are being discriminated against because they are not getting the governing services that tax payers get for paying taxes meanwhile the factual evidence which proves that their claims of being discriminated against is a lie is that First Nations on reserves are not paying taxes for governing services hence no discrimination what so ever.

They also claim the lie that there is systemic racism against First / Six Nations, Metis and Inuit and a claim that is false because laws were created in recognition of the fact that First Nations etc. were living on land claim reserves so they could chief themselves because their ancestors wanted nothing to do with white man's governing or lifestyle. From what I can tell the Indian Act was created to protect Canadian citizens from those living on reserves by recognizing that First Nations etc. wanted not anything to do with white man's governing or lifestyle and justly so because there is that difference at the request of First / Six Nations etc. in the first place.

Here we also have Justin Trudeau (WEF Useful idiot) undermining the Crown and Canadian tax payers by conspiring with First Nations etc. to defecate on the reason many land claim treaties were created, thus he robs tax payers For First Nations etc. while also recently from what I have heard has also given those living on reserves and not paying taxes like everyone else voting rights which is a clear violation on both accounts of the very fundamental reason upon which why many land claim treaties were created thus also on the flip side to get Trudeau's shady WEF sock puppet government votes to assist tyrant Trudeau with obvious attempt to use attempt to win elections. Then we have Pierre Poilievre offering to defecate on the Indian Act and the crown by destroying it to get First Nation votes which again the Indian Act appears to have clearly been created to protect the citizens of Canada living in our Canadian society from those who live on reserves because their ancestors wanted not anything to do with white man governing thus wanted to chief themselves instead.

The only systemic racism I see here in Canada as of late are First Nations demanding to be treated differently than Canadian citizens when not on their reserves like an attempt at supremacy to bend laws in the favour of First Nations People over anyone else as their efforts reveal an on going attempt at making tax payers their slaves and now conspiring with the World Economic Forum and their useful idiots within the UN to remove the definition of colonialism and genocide and replace it with lies in attempt to help make slaves out of Canadian tax payers. They are nothing anymore special than anyone else but were treated special out of understanding thus were given land claim treaties which is the special treatment they got and have clearly violated the very reason such land claim treaties were created to begin with!

If they were genocided they would not be here. There was no such thing as colonialism because colonialism only occurs when a country is taken over, not a Northern continent of open land being colonized of which colonists were attacked and scalped and defended themselves and even went on the offensive to protect themselves.

Peculiar, back then tribes that were here before settlers arrived were killing off one another, scalping each other, wiping out tribes etc. but do you ever hear of them seeking such justice as they do against Canadian tax payers, no because it all appears to be about attempting to get false sympathy, making up lies / false claims to enslave tax payers so they can have a free ride at everyone else's expense thus a clear attempt at supremacy here in North America. I'll never slave for them or anyone else and am here to free tax payers from the burden of First Nations etc. pathetic excuses.

What they call reconciliation is between the First Nations etc. and what the religious did to them but here they are suing tax payers for what the religious did. I remember in the early 2000's I would always stand up to them when they were making attempts at suing tax payers over the religious stealing their children and raping / abusing them in their homes while forcing them into their religious schools (of which lately has switched over to what the religious did to them in residential schools in recent years) by citing that it wasn't the tax payers who did this to them it was specifically the religious who did this to them. So they eventually went to the Vatican for an apology and got it but instead of suing the Vatican they still have been suing tax payers for what the religious did. Reconciliation with Canadian tax payers is the First Nations paying back tax payers every cent of billions upon billions for suing tax payers for what specifically the religious did to them.

Robbing tax payers for what the religious did is clearly building reason for the need of reconciliation for what the First Nations have been doing to tax payers! I carry no shame for what the religious did but grow angry at seeing tax payers being made to pay for what the religious did especially after all these years they get the apology that they were apparently looking for yet are still trying to put tax payers on the hook for it!

First Nations go around to these religious residential schools now digging up graves to try and get 50 - 100 million per grave from the tax payers of Canada all the while evading investigations into allegations of the reason many of them died was tuberculosis which has WEF tactics written all over it by attempting to fire or shame anyone for bringing this up while they go for the cash grab! They succeeded at such a cash grab and now they are going around to all of the residential schools to what appears to try and get more cash grabs at the tax payers for what the religious did and for tuberculosis also allegedly being the cause of many of their deaths!

WEF tactics are very transparent because they can't handle a level playing field because all they do is lie and deceive so they use useful idiots etc to create policies etc. to silence, fire, sue all those exposing their sick and filthy lies and deceptions just like evading investigating tuberculosis as the cause of First Nation children deaths.

I also caught wind that they won a case to have symbols which the general population of Canada are not able to read spell out a birth certificate of which I see no problem with that as long as their is an English alphabet version so that the general public can actually read it but I suspect this is an attempt to try and make every Canadian have to waste half of their lives learning every tribes symbols to be able to read names which is redundant since the English alphabet is already universal and useful for communicating here in Canada!

I also heard recently that First Nations, after conspiring with WEF through UN useful idiots to remove definitions of genocide and colonialism, have sued tax payers of billions for what the religious did yet again claiming that scattered few who left tribes and were approached by the religious who stole their children and abused them thus was as they now lie calling such genocide and removing their language thus robbing them of their way of life and the first thing I recall hearing after they did that was hearing of First Nations again making false claims of discrimination because they do not get the internet in remote areas that everyone else gets. They lie under the guise of we robbed them of their way of life while they strive to live our way of life at the same time and again the reason land clam treaties were created on many accounts was because First Nations etc. ancestors didn't want to live our way of life or be involved our governing system.

If you live on a reserve chiefing yourself making up your own laws you fund your own supporting such systems of enforcing them. You step off of those reserves you are then subject to Canadian law for breaking our laws in our country like everyone else or stay out your choice and at least you have that choice which gives you a step up from general tax payers not having that option.

Anyway, it is the citizens of Canada who are being abused by the First Nations etc. with a slew of lies and deceptions of which every reserve who's land claim was created because they wanted not anything to do with white man's governing and they got governing services and or tax payer funding invalidates every such land claim thus it's time to terminate such land claims and they can live as equals with the rest of Canadian citizens paying taxes for governing services. As for those who have not gotten Canadian governing services or tax dollars and live on their reserves chiefing themselves, I have no problem with that because they are sticking with their end of the agreement upon which such land claim treaties were created in the first place. I will also add that colonizing and not genuinely genociding them they call racism. I'm glad they are still with us, there is hope yet. I know not all of them stoop to conspiring with the WEF but shame on those who do!

So there you have it King Charles, every reason of validity to rip up such so called land claim treaties permanently and justly. And here the so called First Nations etc. appear to want to see you before your coronation I have heard and I suspect to try and guilt you into handing them Canada while enslaving Canadians of the Commonwealth. It's my pleasure to be here King Charles.

As the King, King Charles, you also have a very important decision to make of which you could very well even over shadow your mother's legacy and launch yourself as a hero in the eyes of citizens throughout the commonwealth to everyone's surprise if you choose wisely as you also have an opportunity at gaining the friendship of myself of which in your position as King is likely a rare thing to genuinely find a real friend when everyone else swears loyalty to you. Make the right choice and genuinely stick with it and I would be honoured to have you at my side as a friend and renowned hero. Do you stand with the citizens of the Commonwealth or do you stand with the World Economic Forum is the question I'm sure we'd all love to hear the answer too. May your coronation go well King Charles.



Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Collingwood Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!
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