Kitty terrorist training camp going well

if you can believe it they have me working here. I've been skimming the threads though in between.
I don't officially start until October 1st. But I think I'm going to be doing cross functional stuff over hte next month until I officially transfer over.
USC, I've just committed the ultimate message board faux pas.

I stole your avatar. Sorry and Thanx in advanced.
Np I change em often, that one was just for this thread.

The one of bush showing his inner self is my fav though.
I noticed this during the first thread I read today. You almost made me spit my coffee all over the screen! Bad, bad kitty! :p
That is Yowl Brynner.
It took a lot of time to train him. I also found out it is not illegal for cats to own fully auto firearms.