Klingon Court Tries Captain Kirk


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Defendant Donald Trump should have hired Mr. Spock.

What in hell is Bruce Castor talking about?

“The last time a body such as the United States Senate sat at the pinnacle of government with the responsibility that it has today, it was happening in Athens and it was happening in Rome. The form of republicanism throughout history has always and without exception fallen because of fights from within, because of partisanship from within, because of bickering from within,” warned Castor, a former district attorney from Pennsylvania.

“The greatest deliberative bodies, the senate of Greece sitting in Athens and the senate of Rome, the moment that they devolved into such partisanship. It's not as though they ceased to exist. They ceased to exist as representative democracy, both replaced by totalitarianism,” Castor added.


David Schoen’s defence of Castor —— and democracy —— was even worse. I will post it if and when I find the transcript of his opening statement. It seems to be a closely guarded secret.
David Schoen’s defence of Castor —— and democracy —— was even worse. I will post it if and when I find the transcript of his opening statement. It seems to be a closely guarded secret.

I did not find the transcript, but I did find a video where Schoen says: “We embrace democracy.”

Democrats and the Parasite Class are the only (?) Americans (?) that embrace democracy.

Move the video cursor to 3:54:50 in this article:


Finally, impeaching former President Trump is the last thing Democrats want. WHY? If Trump is not impeached former President Obama, former Secretaries of State Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, et al. cannot be impeached for committing treason while they were in office. Schoen’s long-winded interpretation of the Constitution set the precedent. Either Schoen was blind sided, or he took part in the impeachment charade.

In short: There was never a chance former President Trump would be convicted. Leahy is there to see that nothing goes wrong.

NOTE: Democrats did want to see then-President Trump impeached in the first impeachment trial. “Former” was the game changer. Democrat traitors were not in jeopardy during the first fiasco.

Finally, I hate to say anything nice about Chief Justice John Roberts, but he may have refused to preside over Trump’s second impeachment trial because he saw thru the Democrat Party’s scam.

I did not find the transcript, but I did find a video where Schoen says: “We embrace democracy.”

Democrats and the Parasite Class are the only (?) Americans (?) that embrace democracy.

Move the video cursor to 3:54:50 in this article:


Finally, impeaching former President Trump is the last thing Democrats want. WHY? If Trump is not impeached former President Obama, former Secretaries of State Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, et al. cannot be impeached for committing treason while they were in office. Schoen’s long-winded interpretation of the Constitution set the precedent. Either Schoen was blind sided, or he took part in the impeachment charade.

In short: There was never a chance former President Trump would be convicted. Leahy is there to see that nothing goes wrong.

NOTE: Democrats did want to see then-President Trump impeached in the first impeachment trial. “Former” was the game changer. Democrat traitors were not in jeopardy during the first fiasco.

Finally, I hate to say anything nice about Chief Justice John Roberts, but he may have refused to preside over Trump’s second impeachment because he saw thru the Democrat Party’s scam.

Is being a moron, your full time job or is it a side gig?

Teabaggers tried and failed at an insurrection of the US government, TRAITORS.
. . . I did find a video where Schoen says: “We embrace democracy.”

Trump never said a bad word about democracy, nor did he do anything to dismantle the Democracy Movement. In fact, Trump signed legislation that enriched the Parasite Class (democracy’s true believers) by at least three trillion tax dollars. So why in hell are these ‘ESTABLISHMENT REPUBLICANS’ threatening anything?

Dozens of former Republican officials, who view the party as unwilling to stand up to former President Donald Trump and his attempts to undermine U.S. democracy, are in talks to form a center-right breakaway party, four people involved in the discussions told Reuters.

sect (noun)

1. A group of people forming a distinct unit within a larger group by virtue of certain refinements or distinctions of belief or practice.

2. A religious body, especially one that has separated from a larger denomination.

3. A small faction united by common interests or beliefs.

Breakaway party my ass. There is a hunger among freedom-loving Americans to be sure, but it ain’t for another sect of the Democracy Party:

'But there is a far greater hunger for a new political party out there than I have ever experienced in my lifetime,' one participant said.

By Reuters and Harriet Alexander
Published: 21:38 EST, 10 February 2021 | Updated: 23:02 EST, 10 February 2021



Let me dispel the myth about the center:

Totalitarian government is one extreme. Anarchy is the other extreme. Limited government is the permanent center; it never moves.

LBJ began changing the definition of the center to encompass his welfare state. Jimmy Carter moved the center further Left. Ronald Reagan inherited Carter’s center.

RR partially succeeded in governing from the permanent center. It is too soon to know if Trump is governing from a limited government center. [Trump's record now shows that he did not.]

Even if Diarrhea Mouth does move the Democrat Party to her Silly Putty center during the campaign season the eventual nominee will govern from the center he inherited from Obama. [That is exactly what Biden-Harris will do.]

NOTE: To this day Bill Clinton is said to be brilliant because he moved to the center. That nonsense is another Clinton lie enforced by his surrogates. He not only governed from the Left from the day he was sworn in he created a center that was further Left than the one he inherited.

The fact is that every Democrat Administration redefines the center. Every welfare state policy that becomes law (settled law) the newly adjusted center is immediately imposed on everybody. Nothing is ever repealed. That is why no Republican Administrations can bring the country back to the years before the most recent Democrat Administration’s center let alone move the center back to the pre-LBJ center.

Short of violent revolution —— or a supermajority in both Chambers for at least 12 straight years —— there is little hope conservative Americans will get back to the permanent center America’s Founders set in stone.

Finally, a supermajority has to be large enough to neuter entrenched RINO voting with the remnants of the Democrat Party.

If Trump is not impeached former President Obama, former Secretaries of State Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, et al. cannot be impeached for committing treason while they were in office. Schoen’s long-winded interpretation of the Constitution set the precedent.

They all walked because David Schoen’s defense strategy defended Trump with a questionable interpretation of the Constitution. Yesterday, McConnell jumped in to set Schoen’s flawed strategy in cement. In plain English, no one can ever be impeached for any crime they commit in office after they leave office:

On the fifth and final day of the impeachment trial, the Republican Senate leader argued in a speech following the 57-43 vote that Congress does not hold the jurisdiction to criminally or civilly prosecute the former president.

McConnell AFTER voting to clear Trump says he's responsible for riot
By Katelyn Caralle
Published: 17:39 EST, 13 February 2021 | Updated: 01:32 EST, 14 February 2021


Finally, John Kerry is the only Democrat that remains criminally liable in a federal court because he committed treason when he was a private citizen:

Similarly, WND reported, Kerry was accused of conducting unauthorized diplomacy in 1970 in Paris with Vietnamese communist leaders.

Then a private citizen, Kerry met with Madame Binh, the top Viet Cong negotiator to the Paris Peace talks in which Henry Kissinger represented the United States. The following July he held a press conference calling on President Nixon to accept Binh’s peace proposal in which the United States essentially would surrender.

Forget the Logan Act. There is no statute of limitations on treason. Kerry can still be tried for treason.
