Know what causes....


This essay is related to my reply on racism linked here:

My reason is the comment below on does it really matter, see bold.


"You want to know what really causes homosexuality?"

"This question, which arises from an assumption that one is homosexual because “something went wrong,” should be just as interesting as the question, “What causes heterosexuality?” Think about that question for a moment, and ask yourself why nobody ever asks it. In asking this question, are you looking to change someone? To heal someone? Yourself perhaps?"

"The two most common answers one hears today is that sexuality is either a choice, or it’s genetic. Have you considered it might be neither? Perhaps sexuality (homo, hetero and anything in-between) is ‘learned’ as subtely as one’s mother tongue, or perhaps it’s a psychological reaction. It could be a result of parental hormones during conception or pregnancy or breastfeeding. It could be a result of womb-temperature, the vitamin balance in the parents, or their age. It could be a complex combination of these factors. The only honest answer to this question at the moment is that nobody knows."

"Which of these ‘causes’ would justify discrimination?"
Which would make one sexuality inferior to another? Many people believe that if homosexuality were proven to be genetic, then those who discriminate against us would have no reason to discriminate. It’s a seductive argument, but I believe it has more to do with people trying to put their own minds at ease, as they struggle with (self-)acceptance."

"Those who believe a genetic cause would make discrimination unjustifiable, clearly imply that discrimination against homosexuals is justifiable in other circumstances. More importantly, this argument relies on a belief that reason can defeat discrimination, implying that discrimination is based on reason; that discrimination is reasonable."

"If skin-colour were a choice, would racism be justified?
Would it then be completely reasonable to say that only if you are a particular colour are you allowed to marry or join organisations or visit a loved-one in hospital? If skin-colour were a choice, would it be reasonable to say that some skin-colours were sinful or evil or immoral, and others not?"

"Skin-colour is genetic, but has this fact ever changed the opinion of even one of those who discriminate against other races?

Hate is not reasonable.

"Hate is not a reasoned argument. Don’t pander to those who hate by trying to prove you ‘couldn’t help it’, or ‘given the choice, you’d be heterosexual’. Beware of the ‘good little boy’ syndrome, where you over-achieve in the hope that people will be willing to ‘overlook’ your supposed imperfection. These things only justify the discrimination.

"The cause of sexuality is really quite irrelevant, except to those who are insecure and want you to conform. There’s no need to look for some cause, as your sexuality is not an imperfection. You’re just fine the way you are, with your own potential, possibilities and set of things you have to offer to the world.

"Be yourself, inasmuch at does not bring physical harm, and know you’re not alone. History is littered with proof of the fact that it is possible for the majority to be wrong.

"And quite frankly, the only ‘reasonable’ answer to unreasonable bigots is, well, none at all."
people who isist its a choice must have chosen the sexual preferance they have

I being a hertosexual woman never felt a need to chose any sexual preverance

there is nothing you could do to me to make me want sex with a woman


some feel the need to choose

its called social presure to not be who you really are

do bisexual people choose to be bisexual?

it seems they didnt need to chose