APP - Krugtron The Invincible

Baloney! This isn't an APP topic. This is an ad hominem. If you have a specific issue with Krugman you should articulate what that is and not just toss grenades.
Baloney! This isn't an APP topic. This is an ad hominem. If you have a specific issue with Krugman you should articulate what that is and not just toss grenades.

I am deeply sorry, who made you the arbiter of what is APP worthy and who isn't?

Have you read the links? Did you see where he proved Krugman wrong? Krugman is the go to economist for lefties. Very relevant that he is a left wing hack
Baloney! This isn't an APP topic. This is an ad hominem. If you have a specific issue with Krugman you should articulate what that is and not just toss grenades.

There are three articles for you to read detailing his Derping and his Charter Membership. Since just listing your own opinion is never accepted on this site, they were provided for your perusal.
Krugman; the dumbest economist to walk the planet standing next to Al Gore, the dumbest man in America and global warming scare monger extraordinaire with a massive carbon footprint.

Quite a couple; poster boys for what is wrong with the Democratic Party.
My favorite was the failure of the $850 "stimulus" that didn't "stimulate". Krugman's defense...hold it comes...IT WASN'T BIG ENOUGH.

This would explain the dunce Presidents porkulus junior he now euphemistically touts as a "jobs" bill. You see, both of these dunces want gullible sheeple to believe that $450 billion can now do what $850 billion failed to do.

You cannot make this kind of buffoonery up.