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LOL, that picture reminds me of the weird prom couple from a movie or TV show where the short nerdy guy somehow ends up with the tall babe.

Dennis is a geek wannabee..the dude had to advertise on internet to find a wife...'Gold Digger'...to passify his mortal needs...end of story...the guy is a 'LOSER'
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Dennis is a geek wannabee..the dude had to adverise on internet to find a wife...'Gold Digger...to passify his mortal needs...end of story...the guy is a "LOSER'

He seems to be doing quite well for himself. A congressman, hot wife, lots of money, and a presidential hopeful who at least makes it on debates still.

This as opposed to Battlebumkin, who's greatest achievement this week was downing a 12-back in one night.
Whatever dude...........

He seems to be doing quite well for himself. A congressman, hot wife, lots of money, and a presidential hopeful who at least makes it on debates still.

This as opposed to Battlebumkin, who's greatest achievement this week was downing a 12-back in one night.

I have a great life...thanks to our creator...known as 'God' to some ...and how are you really doing 'Wise Guy'?
LOL, that picture reminds me of the weird prom couple from a movie or TV show where the short nerdy guy somehow ends up with the tall babe.

I think this country needs an honest, short nerdy guy instead of the crooks and war profiteers we have in office now.
Not really.............

Your mom and dad are your creator. God is a figment of your imagination.

Bless thier hearts..they were egg and sperm donors having fun on a Saturday night...God sent me to them...I was a good kid (Albeit a pain in the ass)and they learned to love me...lol
Right Froggie................

Santa Claus for grown-ups, do you remember who said it? Was it Carlin?

and who do you attribute your reprieve from the dreaded cancer death to...'Santa Claus'...uh huh...would you like to tell God that one...????????????;)
and who do you attribute your reprieve from the dreaded cancer death to...'Santa Claus'...uh huh...would you like to tell God that one...????????????;)

Yeah, God came down and said, "you may live," and at the same time, allowed 6 million jews to be murdered, a war to start without justification in 2003, coal mines to collapse, towers to fall and kill 3000 Americans.

God apparently has screwy priorities.

Yeah, God came down and said, "you may live," and at the same time, allowed 6 million jews to be murdered, a war to start without justification in 2003, coal mines to collapse, towers to fall and kill 3000 Americans.

God apparently has screwy priorities.

The Jews in Germany chose their own destiney...they could have fought back...but chose to cave into the perceived ultimate destiny...does not mean they weren't taken into heaven...you are debateable at this time...'Wise Guy' ya watch way to much television...Like ya want to be a Mafia Wise Guy...lol;)
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The Jews in Germany chose their own destiney...they could have fought back...but chose to cave into the perceived ultimate destiny...does not mean they weren't taken into heaven...you are debateable at this time...'Wise Guy' ya watch way to much television...Like ya want to be a Mafia Wise Guy...lol;)
I think I must have fallen down a rabbit hole and ended up in a camp somewhere in the backwoods of Idaho.
No you did not..............

I think I must have fallen down a rabbit hole and ended up in a camp somewhere in the backwoods of Idaho.

Obviously you understood the comment but like playing the victim...oh Lord when will people wake up...never mind you have thier number and can only lead em' to water...can't make em' drink....My bad...I am just in training here...!:pke: