Kudos to Reid for Keeping it Real


JPP Modarater
"I believe myself that the secretary of state, secretary of defense and - you have to make your own decisions as to what the president knows - (know) this war is lost and the surge is not accomplishing anything as indicated by the extreme violence in Iraq yesterday," said Reid, D-Nev.



Now lets see if he really has balls or will he be apologizing in the wake of Cheney's false outrage.
Fox News is flipping out over Reid.

The war in not militarily winnable. Even bush's generals have said that.

It's time for the LIES to stop

We are not going to "win" this war. What is there to "win"? Nothing. It's a civil war, that the iraqis will have to resolve themselves.
Years after it might have made a difference, we discovered tapes of LBJ and his high level adminstration members, openly speaking that Vietnam was "lost". Thousands of Americans, and the good Lord only knows how many hundreds of thousands of Vietnemese, died after they knew this.

Some day, this country will find out that bush and rove, cheney, et el, knew the war was lost long before Harry Reid said so.

I've seen the faux outrage on the behalf of our poor troops, and the concern from pigs such as Mitch McConnell of how "they are going to feel" when they hear what Harry Reid said. Well, you stinking son of a bitch, not as bad as they felt riding along in poorly armored vehicles you sent them there in, when they got their asses blown up.

I hate these bastards.
absolutly darla. These assh*les know there is no chance of "military victory".

And you know what I find to be the sickest thing about this is? I don't have a single doubt in my mind, that bush is sending americans to get slaughtered, so that he can run out the clock, and pass his problem onto the next president.

In short, Bush is slaughtering people, so that his legacy won't include a humilating defeat in a war of choice he started.
absolutly darla. These assh*les know there is no chance of "military victory".

And you know what I find to be the sickest thing about this is? I don't have a single doubt in my mind, that bush is sending americans to get slaughtered, so that he can run out the clock, and pass his problem onto the next president.

In short, Bush is slaughtering people, so that his legacy won't include a humilating defeat in a war of choice he started.

Absolutely. That is exactly what he is doing. And people will look you in the face and say they support him because he is a 'man of God". No God I want to meet.
Fox News is flipping out over Reid.

The war in not militarily winnable. Even bush's generals have said that.

It's time for the LIES to stop

We are not going to "win" this war. What is there to "win"? Nothing. It's a civil war, that the iraqis will have to resolve themselves.

His generals, me, you and everyone else with rational thought. The WOT will never be won militarily. Its a war of information. The more you know about your enemy the more your able to thwart there plans. But I sound like a broken record at this point.
In short, Bush is slaughtering people, so that his legacy won't include a humilating defeat in a war of choice he started.

Without a doubt. He's basically the walking dead when it comes to his presidency or what's left of it.
Bush wants it to continue into the Dems rule so he can blame it on them.
"See the Democrats lost the war, the surge was working"

I knew this war was not winnable before we even invaded....
Yeah if we really want to we can turn Iraq into a wasteland and escalate the heck out of the remaining middle east situation. Is that winning ?
Yeah remember we are down to bringing democracy now as an excuse....

All Iraqis very grateful that the Americans have tried to democratize us. It didn't take so well, through no fault of the Americans. Most of us very happy when Americans bring electricity to our country, though a little bit surprised when they shot it up our asses in their democracy camps. But we remain grateful anyway, and many hope to be future martyrs in the American cause of demo-critisation. A good many of us will get our wish! Some sooner than we expect no doubt.
I am glad that you realize this is all for your own good.
Democracy does not come cheap and there is some colateral damage, but what are 6 or 7 family members lives when it means you can have our style of government. and not have to worry about running your own oil industry.
I am glad that you realize this is all for your own good.
Democracy does not come cheap and there is some colateral damage, but what are 6 or 7 family members lives when it means you can have our style of government. and not have to worry about running your own oil industry.

Family members are no big sacrifice to make for the bush's democracy machine here. You embarrass me by even mentioning such a trivial matter and I will hear no more of it!!

You will be surprised by what a electric enema and the death of some piddling family members will do for your outlook. We love America here, and all highways soon to be renamed "The George Bush Freeway". But maybe with different numbers. Could get confusing otherwise. That is what we're busy working on here. Your media, controlled by the satanic leader - click here for picture of the satanic media controller: http://www.andresramirez.com/images/officialphoto.jpg

claims we are making bombs to kill Americans. Don't listen. Not true. We love you. As you have always suspected...who wouldn't?
Andre is a fine looking man, I hope you have his picture on your living room wall...umm sorry the bedroom wall I forgot we bombed the living room....
All Iraqis very grateful that the Americans have tried to democratize us. It didn't take so well, through no fault of the Americans. Most of us very happy when Americans bring electricity to our country, though a little bit surprised when they shot it up our asses in their democracy camps. But we remain grateful anyway, and many hope to be future martyrs in the American cause of demo-critisation. A good many of us will get our wish! Some sooner than we expect no doubt.

Thank you iraqi for coming forward and admitting your pleasure at having encountered the american influence. You will find that anal pleasure through various means is key to being american. We have social/political organizations (pflag.com) dedicated toward spreading the bun of anal enjoyment. As a member of the America Certified Electorate of the New World Order, they will be contacting you soon to assess your opinions and attitudes towards homosexuality, and assess your attitudinal acceptablility regarding the new global pasttime. Cheers!:clink: Bottoms Up! Who's got their jimmy hats?
Umm just don't subsidize raising children with tax dollars, that will cut down on the birth rate....
Personal responsibility you have you pay for em.