Lab Rats & Petri Dishes


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Every item in the following steps was implemented with lies. Once implemented bigger lies became necessary in order to turn the first lie into truth; hence doublespeak and newspeak.

The Democrat Party became the Party of Parasites in 1913 with the XVI Amendment.

The Democrat Party became the party of democracy. (January 22, 1917)

The Democrat Party became the Party of women in 1920. (19[SUP]th[/SUP] Amendment)

The Democrat Party became the party of Socialists/Communists in the 1930s.

The Democrat Party became the party of traitors in 1945. (The United Nations)

The Democrat Party became the party of black Americans with the Civil Rights Movement. (1950s & ‘60s)

The Democrat Party became the party of illegal aliens in 1965. (

The Democrat Party became the party of baby killers in 1973. (Roe v. Wade)

The Democrat Party became the party of environmental parasites after the Soviet Union disintegrated in 1991. ( )

The Democrat Party became the party of mass government-ordered murders in 1993. (Branch Davidian Compound)

The Democrat Party became the party of homosexuals on May 17, 2004. (Massachusetts)

Let me add:

The Democrat Party is the party of liars.

The Democrat Party is the party of theocracy.

The Democrat Party is the party of Peace Without Victory.

The Democrat Party is the party of teachers’ unions.

The Democrat Party is the party of lawyers.

The Democrat Party is the party of television moguls.

The Democrat Party is the party of Hollywood parasites.

The Democrat Party is the party of equal distribution of the wealth.

The Democrat Party is the party of unequal justice.

The Democrat Party is the party of gun control.

The Democrat Party is the Culture of Death.

The Democrat Party is the party of petri dish policies.

The Democrat Party is the party of cruelty to children.

Here is one tragic story about one young girl among a small group of victims compared to the cruelty teachers inflicted on millions of public school children over many decades. The Democrat Party’s support for trans gender cruelty is the same policy as education industry cruelty —— TAX DOLLAR PARASITES HAVE EVERY LEGAL RIGHT TO TREAT CHILDREN LIKE LAB RATS:

Sydney as a senior in high school. (Photo: Sydney Wright)

I can’t wrap my head around all that I’ve done to myself in the last two years, much less the “help” that some health care professionals have done to me.

Two years ago, I was a healthy, beautiful girl heading toward high school graduation. Before long, I turned into an overweight, pre-diabetic nightmare of a transgender man.

I won’t place the full blame on health care providers, because I should have known better. But they sure helped me do a lot of harm to myself—and they made a hefty buck doing it.

Here’s my story.

I Spent a Year as a Trans Man. Doctors Failed Me at Every Turn.
Sydney Wright
October 07, 2019

NOTE: Rats are intermediate hosts for the bubonic plague. In every instance human parasite rats are intermediate hosts for utopian plague.