APP - lactose (milk sugar) intolerance and medications

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
my wife has to use a compounded medication because the fda approved medication uses milk sugar as an excipient and she is lactose intolerant

milk sugar (lactose) is a common excipient in many pills, but because it is an 'inert' ingredient the manufacturer does not have to disclose that it is used

it is most commonly found in generic medications because it is cheaper than other excipients

excipient /ex·cip·i·ent/ (ek-sip´e-int) any more or less inert substance added to a drug to give suitable consistency or form to the drug; a vehicle.
Dorland's Medical Dictionary for Health Consumers. © 2007 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

(from wikipedia)
Lactose in non-dairy products

Lactose (also present when labels state lactoserum, whey, milk solids, modified milk ingredients, etc.) is a commercial food additive used for its texture, flavour and adhesive qualities, and is found in foods such as processed meats[SUP][35][/SUP] (sausages/hot dogs, sliced meats, pâtés), gravy stock powder, margarines,[SUP][36][/SUP] sliced breads,[SUP][37][/SUP][SUP][38][/SUP] breakfast cereals,potato chips,[SUP][39][/SUP] processed foods, medications, pre-prepared meals, meal replacement (powders and bars), protein supplements (powders and bars) and even beers in the milk stout style. Some barbecue sauces and liquid cheeses used in fast-food restaurants may also contain lactose.
Kosher products labeled pareve or fleishig are free of milk. However, if a "D" (for "Dairy") is present next to the circled "K", "U", or otherhechsher, the food likely contains milk solids,[SUP][35][/SUP] although it may also simply indicate that the product was produced on equipment shared with other products containing milk derivatives.

Lactose intolerance means that you cannot digest foods with lactose in them. Lactose is the sugar found in milk and foods made with milk. After eating foods with lactose in them, you may feel sick to your stomach. You may also have
  • Gas
  • Diarrhea
  • Swelling in your stomach