Lady T!!! da new jobs cool

the new job is going good, was at work til 7 on friday trying to learn how to do their bank recs, its crazy the amount of trades i have to tie out. The fund im going to be managing is hella loaded w/ derivatives and stocks/bonds etc. ive been sitting w/ this guy and he's been showing me what to do.

it was good b/c im sure some people saw me still there on friday til 7 so it will look like im showing initative. im sure i messed up some stuff when i sent it to the senior but its expected i guess and im new. but i really like it. now im thinkin fuck what am i gonna do no more lax i gotta work and do homework on weekends and shit.

chap has it right, its pay for performance, meaning bonuses and raises are dependent on how hard / much i work, which im willing to do. and im at work longer til 7 on a friday!!! im learning alot, and its a better trade up from my other job plus im making hella more money but now im thinking with the hrs im gonna be working and already am working its going to be a wash lol sucks being salary

will talk soon, ill be in NYC the weekend of St pattys day if you might wanna meet up for some beers!!!

oh and my boss, HELLA HOT!!!
Wow! I'm glad to see everything is going well! I was wondering when I'd hear from you! That's so cool! My job is going well too. I spoke with someone from the international investments division last week so I may be moving there in a couple of months. Maybe by hte summer. I got a nice raise and a phat bonus too! the only thing that's not working out is the house hunt, but hopefully the market will tank over the summer and I can pick up something really cheap toward August. Wow! That's awesome that you're enjoying your job!
the new job is going good, was at work til 7 on friday trying to learn how to do their bank recs, its crazy the amount of trades i have to tie out. The fund im going to be managing is hella loaded w/ derivatives and stocks/bonds etc. ive been sitting w/ this guy and he's been showing me what to do.

it was good b/c im sure some people saw me still there on friday til 7 so it will look like im showing initative. im sure i messed up some stuff when i sent it to the senior but its expected i guess and im new. but i really like it. now im thinkin fuck what am i gonna do no more lax i gotta work and do homework on weekends and shit.

chap has it right, its pay for performance, meaning bonuses and raises are dependent on how hard / much i work, which im willing to do. and im at work longer til 7 on a friday!!! im learning alot, and its a better trade up from my other job plus im making hella more money but now im thinking with the hrs im gonna be working and already am working its going to be a wash lol sucks being salary

will talk soon, ill be in NYC the weekend of St pattys day if you might wanna meet up for some beers!!!

oh and my boss, HELLA HOT!!!

Does your boss know that you are drilling holes in his ass? If not ..let me know where you work and I'll copy and paste this and send him an email....
Does your boss know that you are drilling holes in his ass? If not ..let me know where you work and I'll copy and paste this and send him an email....

His name is Mark McDaniels and he works at Studebacher Hedge Fund, Inc.

I dare you.
the new job is going good, was at work til 7 on friday trying to learn how to do their bank recs, its crazy the amount of trades i have to tie out. The fund im going to be managing is hella loaded w/ derivatives and stocks/bonds etc. ive been sitting w/ this guy and he's been showing me what to do.

it was good b/c im sure some people saw me still there on friday til 7 so it will look like im showing initative. im sure i messed up some stuff when i sent it to the senior but its expected i guess and im new. but i really like it. now im thinkin fuck what am i gonna do no more lax i gotta work and do homework on weekends and shit.

chap has it right, its pay for performance, meaning bonuses and raises are dependent on how hard / much i work, which im willing to do. and im at work longer til 7 on a friday!!! im learning alot, and its a better trade up from my other job plus im making hella more money but now im thinking with the hrs im gonna be working and already am working its going to be a wash lol sucks being salary

will talk soon, ill be in NYC the weekend of St pattys day if you might wanna meet up for some beers!!!

oh and my boss, HELLA HOT!!!

An indian will do it cheaper.