Landis Admits to Doping

Mott the Hoople

Sweet Jane
Floyd Landis, only the third American to win a TdF title and the only cyclist to be stripped of a TdF title finally admited to doping and, in addition, made accusation of systemic doping by the US Postal Service cycling team, including Lance Armstrong.

Personally, I think Landis has done a good thing. This could be a cynical attempt by him to gain notoriety in order to make a fast back. He could also be clearing his conscience. Given his Mennonite background I'd like to give him the benefit of the doubt, which is hard to to at this point because, as Lance pointed out correctly yesterday, Landis doesn't have a whole lot of credibility left.

As for the accusations he's made, they carry no weight with me. Landis is to lacking in credibility even though there is strong circumstantial evidence that this time, he may be telling the truth.

The fact that so many ex-members of the US Postal Team have tested positive to PED's and Armstrongs long association with a physician known to assist athletes in doping makes it difficult for me to beleive that he wasn't at the least knowledgable of, if not directly involved, in systematic doping on that team. That hardly constitute proof though.

Landis will certainly take some well deserved hits but if he is indeed serious about his conscience bothering him about living a lie then all he needs to do is testify and provided evidence to the US Anti-Doping Agency and to Special Agent Jeff Novitsky of the FDA (the Federal Agent who broke the BALCO case) as he's promised to do and then just quietly dissapear to go lead, as his Mennonite brethern would encourage him, an honest life.

If investigations by USAD and FDA implicate Armstrong then so be it, then that would mean Landis's coming clean will have helped clean up the sport.
because he's deflecting his own gayness on a legendary champion just like the french tried to do to deflect thier own inadequecy.

Lance has never failed a test and has been tested more than any other human. nuff said. Floyd needs an ass kicking bad. A real man wouldn't out someone he didn't like much less a former team mate.
because he's deflecting his own gayness on a legendary champion just like the french tried to do to deflect thier own inadequecy.

Lance has never failed a test and has been tested more than any other human. nuff said. Floyd needs an ass kicking bad. A real man wouldn't out someone he didn't like much less a former team mate.
Actually I could give a rats ass wheter Lance was doping or not. I think the evidence is pretty solid that at this level of pro cycling virtually all the athletes were doping. Landis was just one of of the ones that got caught. I think his confession and evidence he turns over to investigators will help demostrate just how wildly epidemic drug use is in the pro peleton. I also think that the fact that so many Posties have come up positive in drug test is highly suspicious.

Is Landis a rat? Yea probably but his coming clean could help clean up the sport and if that means evidence is uncovered that makes Lance the Barry Bonds of cycling, then so be it. Hell, keep in mind, that no one who knows remotely anything about pro cycling questions that Eddie Mercx was the greatest cyclist in the history of the sport and he did get busted for doping.

I'd just like to see the sport cleaned up.

Oddly enough, I think Landis confesion has validated the very unpopular stand against doping that LeMond has taken.