Language like this...


Worst gambler ever
(CNN) -- Former Georgia Rep. Bob Barr was officially nominated Sunday as the Libertarian candidate for president.

Former Georgia Rep. Bob Barr is the Libertarian candidate for president.

"We have only 163 days to win this election -- do not waste one single day," Barr told supporters at the Libertarian National Convention in Denver, Colorado.

Barr is best known for playing a prominent role in the impeachment of former President Bill Clinton.

His candidacy has attracted more attention to the Libertarian Party, with some GOP observers watching to see whether Barr will draw votes away from the presumptive Republican nominee, Sen. John McCain of Arizona, in the general election.


This shit pisses me off to no end. The press, the media says right here in plain English, that the votes belong to McCain before they do to Barr.

In other words, the parties own the votes before you, the voter, do.

Its these same idiots who blame Nader for Bush's selection.

Votes are not owned by either party, and if someone votes 3rd part, it does not mean, inherently, and empirically that that vote is coming away from one of the parties that so self righteously apply their own egotistical stamp of ownership to YOUR VOTE and MY VOTE.

Thats why the founders hated political parties, and its now as bad as its ever been, ever.

You're all idiots, idiots.
This doesn't even make sense.

Nobody owns anyone else's vote, ever.

You are wrong. Many eagerly give their vote to one that they have unreasoning faith in.
Take Dixie and Bush for instance. Once Dix wrote his ode to Bush post, you did not think he was an owned man ?
The idea that any independent candidate is taking votes away from a "real" candidate is simple propaganda.

Of course the two main parties don't want you to think the third party candidate has a chance. Otherwise, we might start voting for them.

I have been a Libertarian for several years. There are more libertarian elected officials in the USA than the rest of the third parties combined.

I think its time for a real change.
The idea that any independent candidate is taking votes away from a "real" candidate is simple propaganda.

Of course the two main parties don't want you to think the third party candidate has a chance. Otherwise, we might start voting for them.

I have been a Libertarian for several years. There are more libertarian elected officials in the USA than the rest of the third parties combined.

I think its time for a real change.

How is the Libertarian party any different than the two who have been jacking us around for years now ?
The Libertarians believe in individual liberties, hence the name of the party.

They do not believe that the job of the government is to babysit the masses.
"Well guys, I've designed the perfect system to elect candidates. All you do, is select one of them, drop it in a box, and we'll count it. If you select more than one, that's unfair, and we'll throw it away", said man #1.

"But what if one of the candidates is closer to another candidate in belief? Since voters can only cast one vote, there will be a split, and doesn't that unfairly and undemocratically advantage the third candidate?", said man #2.

Then man #1 shot man #2.

And that's how America got its electoral system.
ok lets pretend for a minute there is no Barr candidacy? For WHOM do you believe many people who support Barr might vote for? The man has a long history of being a rightwinger. Lots of socially right positions. Anti choice, anti-gay marriage, etc. So do you think that all social conservatives would not vote if Barr were not the LP nominee? I bet that at bare minimum 30% vote for McCain. BUT with Barr in the race those people that might otherwise vote for McCain would be, how did the article put it, DRAWN AWAY. The article says NO WHERE in the quoted parts here that the votes BELONGED to anyone. Only that people that MIGHT otherwise vote for McCain would be DRAWN to Barr.

I heard a rumor that they dug up the corpse of Teddy Roosevelt and the Bull :moos: party will be on the ballot...if I see it I will cast my vote for Teddy!:cof1:
(CNN) -- Former Georgia Rep. Bob Barr was officially nominated Sunday as the Libertarian candidate for president.

Former Georgia Rep. Bob Barr is the Libertarian candidate for president.

"We have only 163 days to win this election -- do not waste one single day," Barr told supporters at the Libertarian National Convention in Denver, Colorado.

Barr is best known for playing a prominent role in the impeachment of former President Bill Clinton.

His candidacy has attracted more attention to the Libertarian Party, with some GOP observers watching to see whether Barr will draw votes away from the presumptive Republican nominee, Sen. John McCain of Arizona, in the general election.


This shit pisses me off to no end. The press, the media says right here in plain English, that the votes belong to McCain before they do to Barr.

In other words, the parties own the votes before you, the voter, do.

Its these same idiots who blame Nader for Bush's selection.

Votes are not owned by either party, and if someone votes 3rd part, it does not mean, inherently, and empirically that that vote is coming away from one of the parties that so self righteously apply their own egotistical stamp of ownership to YOUR VOTE and MY VOTE.

Thats why the founders hated political parties, and its now as bad as its ever been, ever.

You're all idiots, idiots.

I agree with you .. but I don't believe it's as bad as it's ever been.

There are rumblings and actions of revolt within both political parties.