Last day in SF (as a resident of area)

Tampa pretty much sucks...Lived ther 7 years....
But in all fairness, some other places suck worse. Women in bikinis grocery shopping is a plus...
Albeit Tampa isn't much better(politically)...maybe a little/lot warmer though!
But Tampa doesn't have San Francisco Values. They'll evolve, someday, I'm sure but having lived at the source, as it were, I can't imagine living anywhere in the Outer Darkness.
Tampa is great. Nothing like SF. Night and day difference. Not that SF is not great, in its own ways.

But SF values suck! Shallow and pretenitous. Everybody with their hand out (gimme gimme gimme) thinking they are entitled. Hardly any manners at all. And they really do enjoy the smell of their own farts. That is, they think they are superior with little reason.

Nor Cal is beautiful and SF has a lot going for it, but the people suck.