Late Night Shakeup


New member
It starts this week, right? So what do you think? Is Jay going to survive in the 10:00 slot? Will Dave survive competition from someone that is actually funny (Conan's funny, Leno sucks)? How will Fallon do?

I want to watch Fallon for The Roots alone. I can't believe The Roots are doing this show. When I stay up that late I usually watch Ferguson, but he seems to be getting stale. The puppet jokes are tired.
I wonder too how much longer Dave carries on. I still love him for the stuff he did in the 80s, but he's slipping. And what happens to his slot when he realizes that? Does Ferguson take over?
I've really never watched much Letterman or Leno, but I haven't laughed even once at what I've seen.
Who told you guys to post in here. I was drunk last night.

I've really never watched much Letterman or Leno, but I haven't laughed even once at what I've seen.

Letterman used to be funny, that's more than can be said for Leno, imo.
Conan is funny. There is little doubt of that, but I haven't heard that he was going to take up Leno's former spot. He was clearly upset about getting dumped from the spot he was in (taking an axe to the set for gods' sakes).