Latest on the Vicks Vape a pit case.


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RICHMOND, Virginia (CNN) -- One of the co-defendants in the Michael Vick federal dogfighting case pleaded guilty on Monday and pledged to fully cooperate with prosecutors.

Tony Taylor walks into the federal courthouse in Richmond, Virginia, to enter his guilty plea.

Tony Taylor, 34, of Hampton, Virginia, entered the guilty plea in U.S. District Court in Richmond. He will be sentenced December 14.

Taylor, along with Vick and two other co-defendants, had pleaded not guilty Thursday before U.S. District Judge Henry E. Hudson.

In changing his plea to guilty, Taylor waived his right to appeal. He told the judge that he understands he is now a convicted felon.

It is widely believed that Taylor's plea, which had been expected, and his future cooperation could hurt Vick and help the government prove its case against the Atlanta Falcons' star quarterback.
that reminds me, I have to go to my local meat market and pick up some pitbull puppy shish-kebabs for a BBQ this afternoon.
I went and saw Pig wrestling this weekend. It's much more fun watching dumbass humans voluntarily get kicked in the face by a pig in front of thousands of hicks.