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Registered Democrats' choice for nominee for 2008*
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Registered Democrats' choice for nominee for 2008*

Clinton's poll numbers are sagging in Iowa and Obama is dead-even with her in New Hampshire.

Not too long agao she held commanding 20 point leads on everybody.

The crowning of Hillary Clinton has been put on hold.
Ron Paul is expected to raise the most money in 4th Quarter of 2007 - more than any other Republican candidate...

Yet he is still polling behind Giuliani, McCain, Huckabee, Romney, Thompson...

Ron Paul has the money but not the votes... ROFL

while Obama would be just as good or prob better than clinton.
Facts are facts
He's way behind nationally, long shots often shoot their wad in Iowa and win only to go on in single digits in the end.

Fact is Obama trails worse than any real republican contender to Rudy:readit:
Ron Paul is expected to raise the most money in 4th Quarter of 2007 - more than any other Republican candidate...

Yet he is still polling behind Giuliani, McCain, Huckabee, Romney, Thompson...

Ron Paul has the money but not the votes... ROFL


Every one of the main contenders in the polls receive MASSIVE media coverage, especially Hillary, Obama, Giuliani, Romney, Edwards, and lately, Huckabee. I personally believe Huckabee has made strides primarily because the atavistic/fundamentalist base of the GOP sees their main choice for a social conservative in him - not to mention he comes off as a genuine guy - or at least more genuine that Romney & Rudy.

Moreover, the polls are being conducted among those who voted Republican in the last election. Seemingly, the majority of Ron Paul's support comes from independents, some disaffected Democrats, and also many who were uninvolved politically prior to this election cycle. "Dr. Paul cured my apathy" is a common sign/theme at Paul's rallies. We simply won't know until the primaries/caucuses how this will translate in terms of votes.
Every one of the main contenders in the polls receive MASSIVE media coverage, especially Hillary, Obama, Giuliani, Romney, Edwards, and lately, Huckabee. I personally believe Huckabee has made strides primarily because the atavistic/fundamentalist base of the GOP sees their main choice for a social conservative in him - not to mention he comes off as a genuine guy - or at least more genuine that Romney & Rudy.

Moreover, the polls are being conducted among those who voted Republican in the last election. Seemingly, the majority of Ron Paul's support comes from independents, some disaffected Democrats, and also many who were uninvolved politically prior to this election cycle. "Dr. Paul cured my apathy" is a common sign/theme at Paul's rallies. We simply won't know until the primaries/caucuses how this will translate in terms of votes.

sigh, even the blimp trick did not work to well.
Every one of the main contenders in the polls receive MASSIVE media coverage, especially Hillary, Obama, Giuliani, Romney, Edwards, and lately, Huckabee. I personally believe Huckabee has made strides primarily because the atavistic/fundamentalist base of the GOP sees their main choice for a social conservative in him - not to mention he comes off as a genuine guy - or at least more genuine that Romney & Rudy.

Moreover, the polls are being conducted among those who voted Republican in the last election. Seemingly, the majority of Ron Paul's support comes from independents, some disaffected Democrats, and also many who were uninvolved politically prior to this election cycle. "Dr. Paul cured my apathy" is a common sign/theme at Paul's rallies. We simply won't know until the primaries/caucuses how this will translate in terms of votes.

YOU may not know, but people who are familiar with politics have known since he entered the race .. he's barely moved since then.
BC the same site has him down 20% to Hillary:readit:

Rudy just recently "tied" Obama in the last poll. Otherwise he has been trailing. So while it is a sign that Rudy has made some ground, it is just to get him back to even.

As for the other Rep candidates, Obama has a big lead.

That said, I also do not believe that Obama will take enough to beat Hillary. Anything can happen, but I think Hillary is the Dems nomination. The Reps would much rather face her than Obama.
my bad Obama only trails by 18%

Like I stated, I also believe Hillary will pull this out. But momentum is a funny thing. If Obama can continue strong and run the table in the early primaries (Iowa, NH, South Carolina) then it may swing things away from Hillary. I don't think it will happen, but I do believe the possibility is higher than you think. I wouldn't get too cocky just yet.
what people fail to recognize is the hatred the right has for hillary. could be like 10% more voters going to vote against Hillary then against obama.
what people fail to recognize is the hatred the right has for hillary. could be like 10% more voters going to vote against Hillary then against obama.

Probably closer to 20%. I think the number against Hillary is about 50% whereas it is closer to 30% for Obama or Edwards. She definitely has the least room for error.
huge frontrunners almost always win
that said I'm cool with obama
as I said he could bring about more change than hillary.
Racism may be the biggest problem
Just think of the potential the economy has when you look at seriously closing the income gap between black and white:clink:
huge frontrunners almost always win
that said I'm cool with obama
as I said he could bring about more change than hillary.
Racism may be the biggest problem
Just think of the potential the economy has when you look at seriously closing the income gap between black and white:clink:

Race may play a factor, but in my opinion there are likely more people that would vote FOR Obama because he is black than would vote against him for being black.

NOTE: to all the morons.... please note the words "my opinion"
According to a poll I read about 1/3 of republican women are going to vote for hillary.
If there is such a thing as a Republican woman that is.