Laugh @ leftist "logic" with Legion



Alec Baldwin Is In ‘Complete Denial’ And ‘Blaming Others’ For Halyna Hutchins’ Death, Attorney Says

Attorney Brian Panish appeared on the “Dan Abrams Live” to talk about how Baldwin is in “complete denial” and refuses to accept “any responsibility” for the death of Hutchins on the set of “Rust,” Fox News reported.

The cinematographer was accidentally killed when a firearm Baldwin was holding discharged on set. The weapon had a real bullet when it was supposed to have a blank in it. The incident occurred on October 21 and Hutchins’ family just filed a lawsuit which laid partial blame on the actor.

“He’s not accepting any responsibility,” Panish said, also claiming that Baldwin, “refused any gun safety training, number one.”

“Number two, he pointed a gun at someone on a set,” the lawyer continued. “You don’t do that without plexiglass and other precautions. Number three, why were there bullets in the gun to begin with whether they were fake or real? It was only a lineup. There was no intention for him to shoot the weapon. He wasn’t supposed to shoot the weapon. Nobody expected him to do that, yet he recklessly fired the weapon while pointing it at three people, killed one and injured another.”
The left: Protest is a sacred right. Opposing protest is Fascist.

Also the left: If you protest something we want to do, you're a "terrorist" and we will seize your money, your children, your pets, and imprison you, because you are Fascists.
This stage of the plandemic is really one of the more mystifying parts.

If you listen closely, you can hear the sizzling of burning wires as loony lefties try to use this lunatic "logic" on you".

  • I got vaccinated.
  • I got covid.
  • I got really sick.
  • Thank goodness I got vaccinated!
  • You should get vaccinated too!

From California comes another push for equal rights.

But not for child molesters (this time, anyway).

This time it’s for cats and dogs. The DEMOCRAT-sponsored bill would grant cats and dogs with "a bill of rights, similar to the rights and protections that the American people have.”

A California lawmaker has introduced a bill that would enshrine a dog and cat bill of rights into state law, requiring every animal shelter and animal rescue group to post a copy of said rights on their premises.

The bill contains a provision that anyone that fail to posts a copy of the bill of rights will be punished first by a warning, then by a $250 fine for each subsequent violation.