Laugh @ leftist lunacy with Legion


Oderint dum metuant

The University of Miami announced yesterday that it will celebrate the accomplishments, contributions, and legacies of Black role models who were integral in shaping the course of the institution through the naming of buildings on the school’s 239-acre Coral Gables Campus.

The decision to do so, reached by the executive committee of the Board of Trustees on Monday evening, reaffirms “our commitment to belonging and justice by recognizing those who overcame racism to enrich our campus, our city, and our world,” Hilarie Bass, chair of the board, and President Julio Frenk stated in a joint message sent to the University community.

The University community will see the results of the executive committee’s actions as early as this fall, when the new three-story Student Services Building, located near Mahoney-Pearson dining hall behind the Lowe Art Museum, will be named for a distinguished Black University alumnus or alumna.

“In helping to transform the way we provide services to our students, this state-of-the-art building reflects our ambition to lead the educational revolution by providing an education for life that has belonging, equity, and justice at its core,” the message said. “This decision stems from our commitment to honoring ’Canes from all walks of life as the University continues to grow, evolve, and thrive.”

A small committee of trustees and faculty and student members will be selected to identify an appropriate namesake, with a grand opening and dedication ceremony taking place in the fall.

During Monday’s meeting, the executive committee voted to rename the rehearsal hall at the Frost School of Music to honor an individual whose accomplishments reflect the values of the University and whose life epitomizes a personal commitment to the institution.

The hall was named after Henry Fillmore, who used patently offensive language and images to promote his music. His most prominent work—the success of which led to his renown and likely the naming—was full of racist caricatures that amounted to dehumanizing Black people.

Fillmore died in 1956, nearly a decade after the federal government took action to end segregation in the United States armed forces. In considering whether Fillmore acknowledged the negative aspects of his work, the HRCN concluded he did not.

A special committee appointed by the Board of Trustees will research a new name for the rehearsal hall, with input from students, faculty, alumni, and other members of the University community. That committee will make its recommendation in the coming months.

In another decision made Monday by the executive committee, the parking garage on Merrick Drive will no longer be referred to by the University founder’s name. The University has much to be thankful for to George E. Merrick, “yet we understand that for some members of our community, the name on this garage is a reminder of the harm caused by segregation.” A neutral directional name for the parking garage will be adopted.

The executive committee decided to retain the names to another building and a street on campus that both bear the Merrick family name and were the subject of a second petition before the board.

One of the oldest structures on the Coral Gables Campus, the Solomon G. Merrick Building was named in honor of George Merrick’s father in consideration for the gift of 160 acres of land and $5 million in financial support that led to the University being established.,-renaming-of-facilities.html
Whitmer to receive courage award from Kennedy Library Foundation


Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is one of seven people who will be honored by the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation for risking their own health and safety to protect others during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The foundation set up in honor of the former DEMOCRAT president announced a set of special Profile in Courage Awards on Tuesday. Ambassador Caroline Kennedy and her son, Jack, will present the awards in a May 26 virtual ceremony.

"These heroes went above and beyond for their community and our country, and remind us that we all can make a difference if we answer the call to serve," Schlossberg said.

The University of Miami announced yesterday that it will celebrate the accomplishments, contributions, and legacies of Black role models who were integral in shaping the course of the institution through the naming of buildings on the school’s 239-acre Coral Gables Campus.

The decision to do so, reached by the executive committee of the Board of Trustees on Monday evening, reaffirms “our commitment to belonging and justice by recognizing those who overcame racism to enrich our campus, our city, and our world,” Hilarie Bass, chair of the board, and President Julio Frenk stated in a joint message sent to the University community.

The University community will see the results of the executive committee’s actions as early as this fall, when the new three-story Student Services Building, located near Mahoney-Pearson dining hall behind the Lowe Art Museum, will be named for a distinguished Black University alumnus or alumna.

“In helping to transform the way we provide services to our students, this state-of-the-art building reflects our ambition to lead the educational revolution by providing an education for life that has belonging, equity, and justice at its core,” the message said. “This decision stems from our commitment to honoring ’Canes from all walks of life as the University continues to grow, evolve, and thrive.”

A small committee of trustees and faculty and student members will be selected to identify an appropriate namesake, with a grand opening and dedication ceremony taking place in the fall.

During Monday’s meeting, the executive committee voted to rename the rehearsal hall at the Frost School of Music to honor an individual whose accomplishments reflect the values of the University and whose life epitomizes a personal commitment to the institution.

The hall was named after Henry Fillmore, who used patently offensive language and images to promote his music. His most prominent work—the success of which led to his renown and likely the naming—was full of racist caricatures that amounted to dehumanizing Black people.

Fillmore died in 1956, nearly a decade after the federal government took action to end segregation in the United States armed forces. In considering whether Fillmore acknowledged the negative aspects of his work, the HRCN concluded he did not.

A special committee appointed by the Board of Trustees will research a new name for the rehearsal hall, with input from students, faculty, alumni, and other members of the University community. That committee will make its recommendation in the coming months.

In another decision made Monday by the executive committee, the parking garage on Merrick Drive will no longer be referred to by the University founder’s name. The University has much to be thankful for to George E. Merrick, “yet we understand that for some members of our community, the name on this garage is a reminder of the harm caused by segregation.” A neutral directional name for the parking garage will be adopted.

The executive committee decided to retain the names to another building and a street on campus that both bear the Merrick family name and were the subject of a second petition before the board.

One of the oldest structures on the Coral Gables Campus, the Solomon G. Merrick Building was named in honor of George Merrick’s father in consideration for the gift of 160 acres of land and $5 million in financial support that led to the University being established.,-renaming-of-facilities.html

They have no idea how fucking stupid they are

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is one of seven people who will be honored by the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation for risking their own health and safety to protect others during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The foundation set up in honor of the former DEMOCRAT president announced a set of special Profile in Courage Awards on Tuesday. Ambassador Caroline Kennedy and her son, Jack, will present the awards in a May 26 virtual ceremony.

"These heroes went above and beyond for their community and our country, and remind us that we all can make a difference if we answer the call to serve," Schlossberg said.

what exactly did this goosestepping nazi whore do?

She's a DEMOCRAT and has a vagina. That's enough to earn encomiums from the identity politics coven.

Yeah true. look at the kamal...if you have the right pigment and genitalia you can become vp to a imbecilic racist. thats about the extent of democrat vetting.
Yeah true. look at the kamal...if you have the right pigment and genitalia you can become vp to a imbecilic racist. thats about the extent of democrat vetting.

Remember when the Hildebeast was supposedly the most-qualified candidate in history?

Nobody can explain what she accomplished in decades infesting the swamp without mentioning the fact that she has a pussy, can they?

It's pathetic.
Remember when the Hildebeast was supposedly the most-qualified candidate in history?

Nobody can explain what she accomplished in decades infesting the swamp without mentioning the fact that she has a pussy, can they?

It's pathetic.

yeah they were creaming their pants over that one.

she killed people that was something. even that skanky pussy of hers couldnt get her elected and she only got as close as she did because he married billy boy. other than that shed be a fat ass whore of a housewife making some poor bastards life miserable every day with your loud mouth rantings. A fucking karen of the first order

Yes she is
she killed people that was something. even that skanky pussy of hers couldnt get her elected and she only got as close as she did because he married billy boy. other than that shed be a fat ass whore of a housewife making some poor bastards life miserable every day with your loud mouth rantings. A fucking karen of the first order Yes she is

Her attempt to expand her role as BJ Boy's cum dumpster into a health care program was a total failure.

Her carpetbagging Senate "career" produced nothing worth mentioning.

When she bailed on the dupes who selected her in Blue York to run for POTUS the first time, she lost to Obama and was made Secretary of State as a consolation prize to appease her fan-girls, and I can't think of a single foreign policy success she achieved.

In the typical scenario, students, staff, and faculty submit themselves to hectoring lectures and demeaning demonstrations that purport to reveal white privilege and the oppressive conditions faced by “underrepresented populations” in their institutions.

Those interested in understanding it should reflect on the history of diversity training.

On April 5, 1968, Jane Elliott, an Iowa third-grade teacher, conducted an experiment intended to inform her students what it was like to be non-white in America.

Elliott staged a world in which her radical view of race relations in the country was produced within her class of white students.

Brown-eyed students were collared, ostracized, insulted, and bullied by their teacher and the blue-eyed students. Then the process was reversed, and blue-eyed students became the targets.

Elliot’s intention was to parallel the operation of racial inequality in American society and thereby counteract and eliminate the prejudice undergirding it.

But research on the efficacy of Elliott’s method at reducing the propensity of children to play the deeply ingrained game of in-group/out-group has shown no conclusive results.

Some studies show incremental reduction of attitudes of preference for racial in-group and distance from some out-groups, while others find very little or no change from baseline attitudes, and still others indicate that diversity re-education may simply encourage whites to emphasize their own hardships to avoid classification in the dominant group.

Elliott quickly adapted her experiment for adults, and the level of psychic bullying was significantly amplified with the older subjects. Any of the several films of these experiments (The Eye of the Storm; A Class Divided; How Racist Are You?) can instructively be consulted for evidence of the sharp cruelty at the origin of the diversity training ritual.

If the goal is simply to ridicule whites, then Elliott’s method is adequate to the task.

But her assumption, and that of her disciples, is that this training will reduce discriminatory behavior, foster cooperation across groups, and advance the work of educational institutions to produce and disseminate knowledge.

Alas, there is little evidence to support those claims.

Musa al-Gharbi, a fellow in sociology at Columbia, summarizes a great deal of research and concludes here that mandatory diversity training often reinforces any existing biases that people may have and is “demonstrably ineffective or even counterproductive.”

The films of the Elliott experiments reveal the emergence of the Manichaean view on race that has come to dominate elite American culture: Racial identity is everything, individual will and behavior are nothing, and the history of American society is little more than group-based oppression.