Laugh @ leftists with Legion


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CNN: Thank Sleepy Joe For Lower Gas Prices Days After Saying Gas Prices Are Out Of His Control

November 9, 2021: Joe Biden faces growing pressure to intervene in oil markets as Americans pay higher prices at the pump. But given the dynamics at play, is there really anything productive he can do?

November 19, 2021: Oil prices are finally falling. Thank China and Joe Biden
A few years ago ,I meet someone who introduced me to BDSM. My first encounter, I thought it would be about how much pain, one could stand. But I soon learned the secret to BDSM. It's not about pain! But that fine line between pain, and a type of ecstasy I had never experienced! Sure there was pain, humiliation, submission, all of which I gladly with stood. To reach that ecstasy! For a year, I couldn't wait to heal from when encounter, so I could have another. During the beating one side of your brain wanted the beating to stop. The other side wanted it never to stop! It also taught one to trust your dominate completely to give you pain, but not to hurt you.