Laugh @ liberals with Legion

Some shitty south park looking crap? I wouldn't watch that if it came with a 3 Michelin star dinner. So I guess someones back to baby trolling. What a dingus.
Some shitty south park looking crap? I wouldn't watch that if it came with a 3 Michelin star dinner. So I guess someones back to baby trolling. What a dingus.

Speaking of trolls...
Is 3 "Michelin star dinner" what they call a happy meal in your kindergarten class?
And what do you post is that is 3 Michelin star?

Please cite examples. Thank you internet Chef.

Examples of 3 Michelin stars? 1. Restaurant Gordan Ramsey, in London. 2. The French Laundry, in Napa. 3. Aqua, in Wolfsburg, Germany.
Fauxcahontas copied a French chef's work & stole a recipe from BH&G


Elizabeth Warren is yet again in hot water after new allegations that she plagiarized her 'Cherokee' recipes in the book Pow Wow Chow.

Damning evidence appears to confirm that Warren's weren't handed down from generation to generation, they were picked up in the newspaper.

Two recipes appear to be word for word copies of a French chef's.

A third recipe appears to be lifted directly from Better Homes and Gardens magazine.

Warren has been under scrutiny since she first claimed Native American heritage.