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A University of Washington language guide is calling everyday words used by Americans "problematic."

The University of Washington Information Technology department released an "inclusive language guide" that lists a number of "problematic words" that are "racist," "sexist," "ageist," or "homophobic."

According to the guide, words such as "grandfather," "housekeeping," "minority," "ninja," and "lame" are considered "problematic words."

For example, the language guide states that the word "lame" is considered problematic because it's "ableist."

"This word is offensive, even when it’s used in slang for uncool because it’s using a disability in a negative way to imply that the opposite, which would be not lame, to be superior," the guide states.

The guide also states that the term "minority" implies a ‘less than’ attitude toward a certain community.

"When ‘minority’ is used to refer to other races or abilities, used as a generalized term for ‘the other’ and implies a ‘less than’ attitude toward the community or communities being discussed," the guide states.

The guide considers "grandfather" a "problematic word" because the term was "used as a way to exempt some people from a change because of conditions that existed before the change."

"'Grandfather clause' originated in the American South in the 1890s as a way to defy the 15th Amendment and prevent black Americans from voting," the guide explains.

"Housekeeping," is another "problematic" word that the guide recommends should be avoided by others working in the information technology industry because it can "feel gendered."

Phrases with "man" such as "manpower," "man hours," or "man-in-the-middle" is considered "not inclusive" and "thus sexist."

The language guide also considers "preferred pronouns" as "problematic" because the term "preferred" suggests that "a person’s pronoun is optional."

Language such as "no can do," "spirit animal," and separating groups based on certain colors is "racist" or culturally appropriative.

According to the language guide, using "red," white," or "yellow" to separate different teams is based on "racist tropes."


Iconic chewing tobacco brand Red Man is changing its name and getting rid of its Native American imagery

“It is something that we have been exploring for a while now” for the Red Man product, said Joe Ackerman, vice president of marketing for Swedish Match, who claims that the company was “under no pressure” to make the change.

“We went through a few steps in the process as we have been evaluating where we stand with this in regards to our company values, and where we stand in the marketplace and where we are heading in the future,” Ackerman said.

The company did research among its customers before making the change, he said.

“We also very discreetly engaged the Native American community and how they felt about the process,” Ackerman said. “Once we gathered all that information, we decided it was in the best interests of the company and its values to engage in that proactively and move forward with a new name.”


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